
JAKARTA - Class I Semarang prison officer, Central Java, thwarted an attempt to smuggle six cell phones brought by three visitors while visiting one of the inmates. Head of Semarang Prison Tri Saptono Sambudji said the failure stemmed from the suspicion of the guard officers against three female visitors who would visit a prisoner with the initials BR. "The three women are members of the BR family," he said in a press release in Semarang, Antara, Wednesday, August 30. From the results of the examination, he continued, the three of them hid the cellphones that would be smuggled in the legs. Officers then secured the three women for further questioning. As for BR prisoners, he continued, they will be subject to disciplinary punishment and are temporarily prohibited from receiving visits within an undetermined time limit. Tri Saptono said this failure could not be separated from the accuracy of officers in carrying out standard operational procedures. He also asked prison officers to tighten the inspection of the bodies and luggage of visitors.
"To visitors who violate the law, we do not hesitate to process it legally," he said.

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