
JABAR - The Gunung Gede-Pangrango National Park (TNGP) Office of Cianjur Regency closed the Cibodas Gate climbing route.

However, climbers can still access the hiking trail through Gunung Putri Gate and Salabintana in Sukabumi Regency. Provided, prospective climbers can only register online.

"The special closure of the Cibodas climbing gate will take effect today, Tuesday (August 29), until an undetermined time limit," said Head of the TNGGP Center, Sapto Aji Prabowo in a written statement, Tuesday, August 29, which was confiscated by Antara.

Sapto explained that the reason for the closure was due to damage to facilities on the hiking trail carried out by natural tourism service provider Cibodas Resort. For improvement and improvement in management, he said, it takes time so that a temporary closure is carried out.

Meanwhile, prospective climbers who have made bookings through the official website of TNGP to climb to Mount Gede through the Cibodas Gate will be transferred to the Gunung Putri Gate.

To get clearer information, he added, prospective climbers can connect the TNGP Center Call Center. Regarding the closure of the hiking trail, it has been notified through the official TNGP circular and social media.

"We ask climbers to comply with the applicable climbing rules and not to do illegal climbing. Don't forget to ask climbers not to leave garbage at the top or along the hiking trail," he said.

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