
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Golkar Party DPP Ace Hasan Syadzily said the general chairmen (ketum) of political parties (political parties) members of the Advanced Indonesia Coalition will immediately discuss the presidential candidate accompanying Prabowo Subianto. "We are sure that the vice presidential figures who will accompany Pak Prabowo are figures who will be discussed together among the political party leaders who are currently in coalition. Of course, we want the proportionality aspect of these presidential and vice presidential pairs to truly describe political forces," said Ace at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 29.

Ace acknowledged the proposed name of Mayor Gibran Rakabuming as Prabowo's vice president. However, he said, the Golkar Party recommended Ketum Airlangga Hartarto. "There are those who propose it. I think it will definitely be considered, what is clear is that later Pak Prabowo will come to the Golkar institute on Thursday," he said. "As a cadre of the Golkar party, of course I want Pak Airlangga to be the vice presidential candidate," continued Ace

Atas ijin Airlangga, Ace yang merupakan Ketua Golkar Institute itu mengaku mengundang Prabowo untuk memberikan ceramah pada para peserta pendidikan eksekutif pemimpin muda Partai Golkar. Di mana nantinya para kader diberikan pemahaman bagaimana membangun Indonesia emas menuju kejayaan 2024. Dalam acara tersebut, Prabowo akan diberi kejutan sebagaiman diungkap Airlangga.

"We'll see, if my surprise is leaked now, it's not a surprise anymore," said Ace.

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