
JAKARTA - Imam Masykur's brother, Mukhtar hopes that the legal process for the Presidential Guard (Paspampres) as the suspected perpetrator of the murder of the man from Aceh, will be investigated thoroughly and transparently. Because according to Mukhtar, this case is very likely to tarnish the good name of the Paspampres and Indonesian Military (TNI) institutions.

"Hopefully, in a transparent manner, don't be blunt. Because this also concerns the constitution (institutions-red), the good name of the Paspampres and the TNI," said Muktar when confirmed, Tuesday, August 29.

Muktar said that the Jayakarta Military Police (Pomdam Jaya) had taken over the case of the Imam's murder because the perpetrator was a member of the TNI.

"The case has been taken over by the Pomdam, so the Polda has also released the case because the members, now let it go to the Pomdam," he said

In line with Mukhtar, Said Sulaiman also asked for the perpetrators of the murder of Imam Masykur to be punished according to the law.

"We want this case to be resolved. Likewise the perpetrators, punished according to their deeds," he said.

The news of the kidnapping that was allegedly carried out by Paspampres personnel against a man from Aceh, Imam Masykur (25) continues to attract public attention. The incident occurred at a cosmetics store on Jalan Sandratex Rempoa, Ciputat, South Tangerang.

One resident who did not want to be named said that the incident occurred on August 12, 2023. The witness explained that the perpetrator carried out the action so quickly, even so, residents still saw him.

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