
The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Senen Police, Iptu Asep Dadang, confirmed that YouTuber Railfans was the victim of a mugging at the Pasar Senen train crossing while broadcasting live on Monday night, August 22. The victim's cellphone was seized by two perpetrators.

"It is true that the incident occurred at the railroad crossing between Johar Baru and Senen on Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Senen District on Monday, August 21 at 19.25 WIB. YouTuber victim, named Yasin Cakra Mukti," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of Senen Police, Iptu Asep Dadang to VOI, Tuesday, August 22.

Iptu Asep said, the victim's cellphone was Vivo 70 Pro. After being confiscated by the perpetrator, the victim immediately came to the Senen Police Station to make a loss report.

"He played with the Vivo Pro brand cellphone. He had come to the Polsek (made a report), then received by members of Yanmas (People's Service-ed) Polsek Senen," he said.

However, the victim did not make a police report regarding the mugging action. The victim only made a loss report.

"Then the SPK picket and the Senen Police Criminal Investigation Unit to the TKP are true. After that, we suggest making an LP (police report). We will bring the victim again from Cempaka Putih to Simpang Lima Senen, but this YouTuber does not want to make a report. Just make a report on the lost cellphone information," he said.

Although the victim did not make a report, Senen Police are still conducting an investigation.

"While the perpetrator is under investigation. The victim's cellphone has been snatched, we are still investigating based on motorcycle characteristics and others. The case is still being handled by the Senen Police. The reason the victim only made a loss report was to block M Banking him and other numbers," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the mugging attempt took place at the official railroad crossing (KA) in the Pasar Senen Station area. This time, the victim of the mugging attempt was a YouTuber railfans named Yasin Cakra.

The incident occurred when the victim was broadcasting live through his YouTube channel at the railroad crossing area. For a moment, the victim was providing information about the train that was passing by, instead the victim who was holding the cellphone was approached by one motorcyclist riding a motorcycle. One of the perpetrators with the attributes of an online motorcycle taxi (ojol) who was riding was immediately snatching the victim's cellphone which was broadcasting live on Monday night, August 21.

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