
The AMBON-Hila State Government in Leihitu District, Central Maluku Regency, asked the archaeological team to research the quality of the paper and ink of the oldest Al Qur'an in Maluku. "We ask for the attention of the local government (Pemda) in this case archaeological researchers or agencies related to cultural and historical preservation, to examine the quality of the oldest Al Quran paper and ink written by hand and hundreds of years old," said Head of the Hila State Government Section, Nurdin Lating, in Ambon, Saturday, August 19. He said research was conducted in order to be scientifically known what year the Al Quran was stored in the Land of Hila was written. "So far, we predict that the oldest handwritten Al Quran in Maluku was written nearly 1,000 years ago, based on the calculation of the lineage of the 14th family, one descendant was calculated to reach the age of 74 years," he said. Research, he said, was carried out with the aim of protecting and preserving cultural heritage and history in the Land of the Hila. "Through research it is hoped that the existing cultural heritage can be used as a cultural heritage, both the oldest handwritten Al Quran mushaf, the king's house, church, and the oldest mosque in Hila," he said. The oldest Al Quran, he said, was last exhibited in 1983, then until now stored in a white cloth in the house of the Selang family.

Pihaknya berharap pemda atau instansi terkait dapat melihat keberadaan warisan budaya dan sejarah di Negeri Hilatersebut.Ia mengatakan warisan budaya dan sejarah membuat tempat ini menjadi tujuan wisatawan lokal maupun mancanegara.Pada tahun 2022 Negeri Hila ditetapkan sebagai salah satu dari 50 desa wisata terbaik pada program Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) tahun 2022.Penetapan Desa Wisata Negeri Hila setelah mengikuti proses uji standar penilaian tim juri yang terdiri dari tujuh kategori yakni pertama, daya tarik pengunjung (alam dan buatan, seni dan budaya). Kedua, suvenir (kuliner, fesyen, dan kriya). Ketiga, homestay. Keempat, toilet umum. Kelima, digital dan kreatif. Keenam, Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability (CHSE), serta yang ketujuh, kelembagaan desa."Setelah ditetapkan sebagai desa wisata kami mendapatkan pembinaan dan pendampingan dari mitra strategis Kemenparekrafyakni Astra melalui Program Desa Sejahtera Astra (DSA) selama satu tahun," katanya.

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