
JAYAPURA - Army Chief of Staff General TNI AD Dudung Abdurrahman asked soldiers who serve in vulnerable areas in Papua to remain vigilant and love the people where they are on duty. Stay alert and don't forget to love the people because the Indonesian Army must be able to be present in the midst of society, and be a solution. "Don't hurt the people," said TNI General Dudung in response to ANTARA's question in Jayapura, Saturday, August 19. He emphasized that the Indonesian Army must always protect the people, but if there are groups that interfere, they must take firm action. When asked about the Vice President's plan to have an office in Papua in early September, Kasad General TNI Dudung said, the Indonesian Army is ready to assist the government according to the duties of the TNI.

"Dengan berkantornya Wapres di Papua diharapkan provinsi ini makin maju," harap Jenderal TNI Dudung Abdurrahman.Kasad selama di Jayapura melaksanakan sejumlah kegiatan diantaranya menutup dan menyerahkan hadiah kepada para pemenang lomba olahraga yaitu sepakbola dan bola voli dan tarian tradisional.Selain itu juga melakukan pertemuan dengan komandan satuan di lingkungan Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih serta memberikan pengarahan kepada prajurit.Kasad dalam kunjungan kerjanya didampingi Pangkostrad Letjen TNI Maruli Simanjuntak, Koorsahli Ksad Letjen TNI I Nyoman Chantiasa, Kapusterad Letjen TNI Teguh Muji Angkasa dan sejumlah pejabat dilingkungan Mabes TNI AD.

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