One Night Stay Price At The F2 Hotel That Killed 3 People Only Rp. 100 Thousand, Mr. RT: Maybe More Promos
You can see Hotel F2 from the front, roadside in the Melawai area, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta/ Photo: Jehan/VOI


JAKARTA Admittedly (54), the head of RT02/04 in the F2 Hotel environment, Melawai, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, explained that the simple-shaped hotel has been operating since 2020. Before becoming a hotel, continued Akui, it used to be a private bank.

2020 has been around for a long time. It used to be a private bank, then it turned into a hotel of approximately 2020. Said Akui, Friday, August 18.

Akui ketika ditemui di lokasi kejadian, mengungkap bahwa Hotel F2 selama beroperasi sudah berganti kepemilikan. Bahkan, masih kata Akui, awalnya hotel itu bernama G2, sekarang ganti pemilik menjadi F2.

Dulu G2 on behalf of the bank. Sekarang F2, The Basament. Sudah orang lainnya. G2 sama F2 hotel yang sama. Perubah nama sejak Eid al-Fitr tahun ini. Awalnya Anton, lalu dijual ke pak Philips. Stand Mr. Anton 3 tahun, Pak Philips baru 4 bulan. ungkap Akui.

Hotel F2 looks simple from the side of the road, unlike hotels in general that look luxurious in the South Jakarta area. In fact, it is said that staying one night at the hotel is charged Rp. 200 thousand, and is currently discounted, to Rp. 100,000 per night.

"Maybe it's 100 thousand promos. In the past 200 thousand", said Akui.

Although they have not been able to enter the burning hotel, it is known that there is a bar in the F2 hotel below.

'Minis bar kecil. Saya sempat ke atas mini bar ada, buat hangout ada di lantai satu.' tutup Akui.

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