
JAKARTA - The Presidential Candidate (readpres) for the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP), Anies Baswedan is scheduled to attend the inauguration of the SBY-Ani Museum and Art Gallery in Pacitan, East Java, Thursday, August 17, tonight. The plan is for Anies to attend 19.00 WIB.

Apart from Anies, about 800 invitations are also planned to attend the event. Among them were the 10th and 12th Vice President Jusuf Kalla, and 11th Vice President Boediono, including former cabinet ministers when SBY served as president, as well as alumni of the 1973 Akabri.

Meanwhile, the Executive Director of the SBY-Ani Museum and Gallery, Ossy Dermawan, explained the reasons for the election on August 17 for the inauguration. Namely, as a symbol that the museum belongs to the Indonesian people.

"This museum is a form of accountability for Mr. SBY as the president chosen by the people and a form of his love for the late Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono," said Ossy, in her statement, Thursday, July 18.

This museum stands on an area of 1.5 hectares on Jalan Lingkar Selatan (JLS), Ploso, Pacitan. The location that holds SBY's track record is not only when he served as the number one person in Indonesia, but also the story of SBY's youth in Pacitan.

To note, this museum and art gallery keep collections of arts and photos taken by the late Mrs. Ani Yudhoyono. In addition to the art collection, such as SBY paintings and photos, it is also equipped with a library containing books written and read by SBY.

The day after its inauguration, the museum was immediately opened to the public from 09.00 a.m. - 17.00 p.m. local time every day, except Tuesday.

Meanwhile, the price of entrance tickets for Pacitan residents is enough to pay Rp. 25 thousand, while local tourists outside Pacitan are Rp. 50,000, while foreign tourists are Rp. 100,000.

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