The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested three suspects in the Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) at a rented house located on Jalan Bungur, RT 10/06, Rambutan Village, Ciracas District, East Jakarta.
The three suspects had the initials HT, RJ and BY. They promised the victims jobs in Taiwan and Japan with a large salary. In the action, the suspects took a profit per person between Rp50-60 million, and asked the victims to stay in Jakarta for one month while waiting to be dispatched.
"A total of 10 victims were rescued. On average, the victims are domiciled in NTT and NTB. We are still developing this case, whether the 3 people had previously carried out the same activity or not," said East Jakarta Metro Police Deputy Chief, AKBP Fanani when confirmed, Tuesday, August 15.
Meanwhile, from the TIP network raid, the police confiscated a number of passports and laptops as evidence. The three suspects also have different roles, some are tasked with recruiting, processing passports and taking care of shelters.
"The modus operandi of the perpetrators came to the victim and lured the victims of jobs in plantations in Taiwan and Japan with a monthly salary of Rp. 15-25 million," he said.
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It was stated that as many as 10 male victims. Currently, the perpetrators are still being developed to dismantle the TIP syndicate network.
"During the shelter, the victim did not receive training first from the authorized agency. Meanwhile, the passport documents obtained from the suspect turned out to be not an Indonesian Migrant Worker (PMI) but was suspected of being an illegal immigrant," he said.
The three suspects were rewarded with Article 81 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 18 of 2017 concerning the protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers and or Article 4 of Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of trafficking in persons.
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