
JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) is investigating the financial flow or following the company that has merged copper PT XLI which has carried out environmental pollution in Serang, Banten.

"We are investigating financial flows to explore and find other suspects," said Director General of Law Enforcement and Environment of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ratio Ridho Sani, as reported by ANTARA, Monday, August 14.

PT Xingye Logam Indonesia (XLI) is a copper metal smelting industry company to be used as an ingot or aluminum bullion with Foreign Investment (PMA) status.

The company is located in the Cikande Modern Industrial Estate, Jalan Modern Industri VI Blok P.1 B, Cijeruk Village, Kibin District, Serang Regency, Banten.

Based on the results of the collection of materials and information, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry found activities to dispose of copper waste. The company's raw materials are suspected of being waste, including copper ash, copper zinc sulfide, and other waste.

The waste is imported from Madagascar, Korea, Singapore, Germany, Malaysia, to the United States.

The ratio ordered investigators to develop an investigation into the crime of money laundering against the case.

According to him, Civil Servant Investigators (PPNS) already have the authority to investigate money laundering in accordance with the Constitutional Court Decision Number 15 of 2021.

"Development of this investigation is important to break the chain of crimes of PT XLI, including tracing the origin of waste used by companies, both from within the country, such as the result of burning illegal B3 waste from Tegal Angus, as well as B3 waste originating from abroad," said Rasio.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has named the President Director of PT XLI with the initials BSS (47 years) as an individual suspect and PT XLI as a corporate suspect in the case of illegal environmental pollution and importing B3 waste.

The ratio emphasized that BSS was threatened with a maximum imprisonment of 15 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 15 billion. Meanwhile, PT XLI received additional penalties in the form of confiscation of profits and environmental restoration.

"This action is important to save public health and the environment. People have the right to a good and healthy environment," he concluded.

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