
TANGERANG - The South Tangerang (Tangsel) Environmental Service (DLH) doubts that the air quality in its area is considered bad. Because according to him, the test methods and samples cannot be used as benchmarks.

The head of the South Tangerang DLH, Wahyonoto, assessed that to make measurements and methods to conclude the air quality in his place, it could not be at one point.

"The tool they use only measures the size of particles in the air called PM, it's a secular meter. So if the device measuring meter particles is widely sold everywhere, and can be used by anyone," said Head of South Tangerang DLH, Wahyonoto when confirmed, Friday, August 11.

Tangsel is a large area, approximately 47 thousand km square. 7 sub-districts, 54 urban villages. Don't take one sample of air and take it. Maybe there is more dust flying, or there is smoke from residents burning garbage, conclusions are drawn. We need to pay attention to this," he continued.

According to Wahyonoto, if they assess the air quality in South Tangerang using a meter particulate device, the method cannot know the content of the air particle.

Kalau kami di Dinas LH Tangsel, memiliki alat yang juga mampu membetul atau mengetahui unsur di parikel yang ada. Yang paling berbahaya itu adalah seperti furan, arsenic, atau dioxin, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, dan magnesium dioxide, itu alat kami sampai kejalan itu, ucapnya.

Therefore, he hopes that the public or anyone will not make conclusions regarding the air if the methods used are not fully correct.

"Don't just get profit or seek profit from the application being marketed. Or tools that are marketed. You can't take responsibility for the methodology of the sample used," he concluded.

Sebagai informasi, AQAIR melansir kondisi udara di Kota Tangerang Selatan (Tangsel) hari ini kurang friendly. Indeks kualitas udara dan pollusi udara PM2.5 berada di angka 174 atau tidak sehat.

The information above was monitored from the official AQAIR website on Friday, August 11, 2023. PM2.5 concentration in Tangsel City is currently 19.1 times the value of the WHO annual air quality guide.

Meanwhile, for DKI Jakarta, the air is also said to be unhealthy. However, the air quality index and the PM2.5 air police are at 158 or unhealthy. PM2.5 concentration in Jakarta is currently 13.8 times the value of the WHO annual air quality guide.

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