
JABAR - The Mayor of Bandung, Ema Sumarna, revealed that a number of Bandung City officials, including Yana Mulyana, had left for Thailand, when she found out that their foreign service permit was not granted.

This was said by Ema when the panel of judges reconstructed the case asking for information regarding the inactive Bandung Walkot Yana Mulyana and several Bandung City Government officials traveling to Thailand with PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) facilities.

Ema said that initially Yana Mulyana asked her then as the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bandung to write a letter addressed to the West Java Provincial Government to be continued with the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) and the Ministry of State Secretariat (Setneg) regarding Yana's official trip with other officials on January 11-16, 2023.

"We wrote to the province, then the province strengthened the introduction to the Ministry of Home Affairs. It was there that processed the permit. So I was early," Ema said in the trial of the bribery case on the Bandung Smart City (BSC) project at the Bandung Corruption Court, Wednesday, August 9, which was confiscated by Antara.

However, Ema admitted that after that she did not get any more information whether the application was permitted or not.

Until finally the Bandung City Government officials went to Thailand even though there was no permit from the central government. When they found out that the permit was not granted, Yana and the other officials had departed for two days.

"So Mr. Yana and several other people went, Your Honor," he said.

"Brother, at least the Regional Secretary, can't remind you, this is permission, right? We haven't gone down yet, ask Mr. Yana to postpone it or something," said Hera.

"The Regional Secretary is above, if these are the mayors and regents, they are political positions, right? The Regional Secretary is the highest civil servant in the local government, right?" said Hera.

"Yes, Your Honor," said Ema.

When asked what she did as a follow-up, Ema admitted that after the group from Thailand, she had verbally reprimanded a number of officials at the Bandung City Government who also went with Yana, namely the Head of the Bandung City Transportation Service (Dishub) Dadang Darmawan, and the Head of the Bandung City Communications and Information Office Yayan Ahmad Brilyana.

"After I found out that there was no permit, after returning from Thailand I immediately gave a warning, it was verbal, to two people. For Rijal (Khairur Rijal) I did not meet him," he said.

With no permission from the central government which resulted in the failure to travel to be borne by the APBD, Ema admitted that she did not question the officials she was reprimanded for.

"Untuk biaya ke Thailand dan komodasinya kan tidak dari APBD, tahu tidak saudara dari mana itu, bertanya tidak ke pak Kominfo dan Pak Dadang?," tanya majelis hakim.

"Never, Your Honor," said Ema.

It is known, Ema Sumarna, together with the Goods and Services Procurement Officer (PPBJ) at the Bandung City Transportation Agency Hari Hartawan, and also Yudi Cahyadi who is the Chairman of Commission C of the Bandung City DPRD from PKS, witnessed the follow-up trial of three private parties who bribed officials in Bandung City related to the Bandung Smart City project in 2022 for the procurement of CCTV and internet networks, namely in the form of bribes of Rp. 888 million to several parties and also facilitated a number of Bandung City Government officials traveling to Bangkok, Thailand.

The three defendants who were tried were PT CIFO President Director Sony Setiadi, Manager of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Andreas Guntoro, and Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Benny.

For the suspect Sony, he was charged with Article 5 paragraph 1 letter a or Article 13 of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

Meanwhile, Benny and Andreas were charged with Article 5 paragraph 1 letter a or Article 13 of the Corruption Eradication Law in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

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