
JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives as well as President of the 44th ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), Puan Maharani talks about the various challenges faced by young people. Starting from political participation, digital leadership, to the large number of young people who get low wages in work.

Led by the Deputy Chairperson of the House of Representatives' Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation Agency (BKSAP) Gilang Dhielafararez with co-chair with DPR RI member Dyah Roro Esti, this meeting presented young MPs AIPA. The meeting took the theme on how to advance youth involvement in government and participation in democracy.

According to Puan, the issue at the YPA meeting was very relevant and matched by the topic of the 44th AIPA General Assembly, namely Respondive Parliament for a Stable and Prosperous ASEAN or Responsive Parliament for ASEAN that is Stable and Prosperous.

Young people, consisting of nearly 34% of ASEAN's population, have great potential as agents of positive change. Your fresh perspective, an innovative approach to decision making, and a strong commitment to solving regional challenges are important assets for our progress together," said Puan at the Fairmont Hotel, Jakarta, Tuesday 8 August.

Puan also praised the dedication of ASEAN's young MPs in shaping a better future for the region. Including by discussing finding solutions to various global challenges as was done today. "This meeting highlights several important issues that demand our attention. First, we must increase the role of parliament in encouraging youth empowerment initiatives in entrepreneurship and digital leadership," said Puan when opening the Young Parliamentarians of AIPA (YPA) Meeting which was part of the 44th AIPA Session.

Puan said, empowering youth in entrepreneurship and digital leadership includes providing support through policies and regulations. Then, later Puan, by facilitating access to financial inclusion, and creating a conducive environment for young entrepreneurs to develop. "The digital economy in ASEAN shows enormous potential, with market projections of 1 trillion USD by 2030. By utilizing technological power and innovation, we can open up new opportunities for young people in Southeast Asia," she explained.

The second issue highlighted at the YPA meeting this time was related to economic problems faced by young people. Although economic growth in most Southeast Asian countries is quite strong during the post-Covid-19 recovery period, according to Puan, the unemployment rate for young people remains high.

"And many young people are involved in vulnerable jobs with low wages," said the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Therefore, Puan invites young AIPA lawmakers to work together to find a way out in overcoming these various problems. Several methods such as through better education, vocational training, and skills development programs. "AIPA must play an important role in advocate for these steps, and facilitate collaboration among lawmakers in the ASEAN region to create policies that enable young employment," said Puan.

Furthermore, the YPA meeting will also discuss issues regarding the certainty of youth's involvement in promoting and maintaining democracy. Puan said that youth should be encouraged to uphold the values of democracy, the rule of law, and respect for human rights (HAM). "Active participation of youth in maintaining the democratic process is very important for the continuation of the progress of our region. Encourage young people to participate in civil society can help their voices be heard and their wishes are followed up," he said.

Puan added, AIPA in collaboration with the national parliament can seek to increase awareness, strengthen the application of democratic values, and protect human rights within ASEAN. According to her, empowering young people to participate in political processes can build more inclusive and representative democracy. We must also look for ways to encourage the participation and involvement of young people who are more meaningful in the process of making public policies in ASEAN," said Puan. "It is important for us to create a platform so that the voices of young people are heard and considered about issues that have a direct impact on their generation," she added.

Bung Karno's grandson assessed that AIPA could support this by providing opportunities for young MPs to contribute to policy discussions. Then, continued Puan, by being involved in organizations led by youth.

AIPA can also hold a mentorship program that bridges the gap between experienced leaders and future leaders in the Southeast Asian region," the two-term Honorist Causa, who has been involved in politics since she was young.

Puan believes that this YPA meeting will produce useful discussions and innovative solutions for the challenges that exist. He assessed that the energy, enthusiasm, and commitment of young AIPA MPs to improve ASEAN was truly inspiring. "Let's use this opportunity to exchange ideas, share the best practices, and establish partnerships that will form the future of ASEAN. Thank you, and may all of you get a productive session," said Puan.

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