
JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian House of Representatives and President of the ASEAN Inter Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) 2023 Puan Maharani chaired the 44th AIPA first Plenary Session which was held in Jakarta. During the trial, she asked the parliament of Southeast Asian countries to be an example for other countries in dealing with various global problems.

The 44th AIPA General Assembly is one of the peaks of the chairmanship of the DPR RI at AIPA following the presidency of the DPR as Chair of AIPA in 2023, in line with Indonesia's chairmanship in ASEAN. The prestigious event in ASEAN was held at the Fairmont Hotel, Senayan, Central Jakarta, since last August 5.

While chairing the 44th AIPA plenary session which was held on Monday 7 August, Puan mentioned ASEAN, which is currently facing various multi-dimensional crises. According to him, this is an opportunity for Parliament to answer challenges together.

"AIPA member parliament must be able to be an example, lead by attach in handling various problems in the region. So that the problems in Southeast Asia can be resolved by countries in this region. We need to maintain ASEAN Centrality," said Puan.

The first woman to serve as Chair of the Indonesian House of Representatives revealed that the 44th AIPA General Assembly was an opportunity for Southeast Asian parliament to face a number of challenges. Puan detailed that these challenges include a deficit in peace, a deficit in development and a climate deficit.

"Currently we are facing various multi-dimensional crises, whether related to increasing geopolitical tensions in Southeast Asia, slowing down the global economy, or increasing global warming," he explained.

In addition, Puan also mentioned the issue of humanity in Myanmar. He said AIPA continues to prioritize solidarity in the Southeast Asian region to support it in prioritizing the five-point consensus that serves as a framework to restore the situation in Myanmar.

"Meanwhile, to ensure the realization of Southeast Asian peace, I participate in encouraging all interested countries in Southeast Asia to implement the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation (TAC)," said Puan.

Before entering the agenda of the statement of the chairman of the Parliamentary delegation member of AIPA, Puan explained that the 44th AIPA General Assembly also proposed the National Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Laos as Deputy Chair.

In accordance with Article 10 (1) of the AIPA Statute, the Chairperson of the Parliamentary Delegation Member of AIPA who will hold the next AIPA General Assembly will serve as Vice President of the ongoing AIPA General Assembly.

"Therefore, I would like to propose Your Excellency Dr. Xaysomphone Phomvihane, President of the National Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Laos as Deputy Chair," said Puan.

By tapping the hammer once, Puan gave a sign that the AIPA General Assembly was resumed in the next session. According to the agenda drawn up at the Executive Committee Session on Sunday (6/8) yesterday, all MPs of AIPA, representatives from observer countries and international organizations were given time to deliver statements regarding various issues that will be discussed together.

"I hope the delegates can actively participate by conveying their views on how Parliament can be responsive in realizing a stable and prosperous Southeast Asia region," explained the former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture.

Puan then allowed one by one the representatives of the delegation to express their views. Philippine Parliament Speaker Ferdinand Martin G. Romualdez also mentioned that responsive parliaments must prioritize dialogue in every challenge that exists.

"The existence of a responsive parliament by prioritizing the best dialogue, in sharing data and technology in every problem that we all care about," said Ferdinand.

The chairman of the Singapore Delegation Mohd Fahmi Bin Aliman also conveyed the same thing. He said that dialogue is the best platform that is carried in responding to the challenges ahead. Both regionally and internationally.

"ASEAN must be a platform that prioritizes dialogue in every problem that is being faced. Together we are able to bring ASEAN better and progress and see every challenge by working together," said Fahmi.

Meanwhile, as the host, Indonesia also gave an opinion conveyed by the Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Lodewijk Friedrich Paulus. He said parliament has an important role as a liaison for the people's votes.

"Our presence here is to carry the aspirations of the people who must be brought together to achieve ASEAN's prosperous goals. In addition, we must also address various problems starting from extreme poverty, unemployment, hunger, social inequality, debt crisis, the impact of climate disaster to limited access to health," said Lodewijk.

On the other hand, observer countries also responded at the AIPA General Assembly. As stated by the Speaker of the Timor Parliament Leste Maria Fernanda Lay. As a country that has just joined ASEAN, Timor Leste is said to fully support the AIPA series of events.

"We hope that we can continue to contribute to developments in the Southeast Asia region. We realize that every challenge needs to be resolved together for the welfare of the people in ASEAN," said Maria.

Even though he is already a member of the 11th ASEAN, Timor Leste is still present as an observer country at the AIPA General Assembly this time. This is because Timor Leste is still applying for membership in AIPA. Maria hopes that Timor Leste can soon join as a member of the Southeast Asian parliamentary forum.

"In the future, we hope to be involved," he said.

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