
The inactive Bandung Mayor Yana Mulyana admitted that she received money from three accused bribers on the Bandung Smart City project for the procurement of CCTV and internet networks (ISP) run by the Bandung City Transportation Service.

This was revealed in the follow-up trial of the bribery case at the Bandung Smart City project at the Bandung Corruption Court.

Yana did not deny receiving a sum of money, each from the President Director of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (CIFO) Sonny Setiadi, Manager of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Andreas Guntoro, and Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Benny.

Yana said that she got money from Sony after a meeting at the Bandung Pendopo on December 24, 2022, which was mediated by the Secretary of the Bandung City Transportation Agency, Khairur Rijal.

At that time, said Yana, Khairur wanted to bring himself together with Sony, who said Khairur intended to do CSR.

He had asked for another time, but Khairur promised not to take up much time so he agreed to the request.

"Brother Khairur Rijal said 'It's Mr. Sony'. Who's Sony? Sony CIFO wants to give CSR WiFi for free, asking for instructions at which point to install the free WiFi. I'll say later, Mr. Khairur will not be long, so I said it was okay but at that time. Then, Sonny came in, and Rijal left," Yana said as quoted by ANTARA, Monday, August 7.

After the one-on-one meeting discussing this CSR, Yana said, Sony then said goodbye. But before leaving the room, Sony took out a brown envelope from his bag and placed it on the table saying something.

"He said goodbye, after that he took out the envelope and put it on the table, saying 'Sir, this is for introduction'. 'Oh, thank you'," he explained.

Initially, Yana admitted that she thought the contents of the envelope were her company's brochures, considering that it was the first time she had met.

However, after checking the envelope contained money. But Yana did not remember the exact amount.

Then Yana kept the money in a table drawer in her official residence on Nyland Street, Bandung City, and intended to return it, even though it was eventually canceled because it was used for compensation, including takziah.

"I keep it, and in my mind I will leave it again. But because many people's aspirations come in," said Yana.

Yana himself called the money worth Rp40 million and also confiscated the KPK in her Hand Catch Operation (OTT) on April 14, 2023.

However, the KPK prosecutor, Tito Jaelani, said that the nominal amount of money in the brown envelope as an introduction was around Rp. 100 million. So that the possibility confiscated of Rp. 40 million is the remainder of all the money from Sony Setiadi.

"That's Rp. 100 million," Tito said after the trial.

As for the defendants Andreas Guntoro and Benny who came from PT SMA, Yana revealed that the flow of funds from them was in the form of travel tickets and accommodation on a trip in Thailand entitled a visit to the Huawei CCTV lab, through the former Bandung City Transportation Secretary Khairur Rijal.

Yana admitted that at first she did not know that the travel fee on January 11-15, 2023 was financed by PT SMA, because it was informed that she had obtained a permit, so the trip was financed by the APBD.

However, in reality, this work visit permit was rejected by the central government, and according to Khairur Rijal's statement, the trip to Thailand was entirely financed by PT SMA.

"So the budget for Thailand and accommodation from whom, you don't get permission," asked the prosecutor.

"Initially, I thought of using the Transportation Agency's operations, but according to Mr. Rijal, using the budget from PT SMA, Mr. Andreas said that he used this first. Once again, this is my mistake, because I myself forgot about it (administrative control in using the budget)," he said.

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