
The Cianjur Police, West Java, arrested MRF (31), a resident of Sayang Village, a marijuana-type narcotics dealer and evidence of dried marijuana ready to be circulated as much as nine kilograms which were hidden on the roof of the house.

Cianjur Police Chief AKBP Aszhari Kurniawan said the arrest of MRF began with information on the delivery of marijuana packages to Cianjur, through goods delivery services, so officers immediately conducted an investigation.

"Officers received the name of the recipient of the package and immediately arrested the suspect who had dodged not owning the illicit goods," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, August 1.

However, after being pressured by the police, the suspect showed the location of the possession of marijuana-type narcotics on the roof of the house so that it was not suspected that the family had not been aware of the illegal business carried out by the suspect.

The suspect got marijuana from a dealer from outside the city of Cianjur who is currently on the Cianjur Police Wanted List (DPO). The suspect has twice received a package from a large dealer whose identity has been identified.

"The suspect used a pseudonym and not the address where he lives, but in each package there is a telephone number that can be contacted by the package officer, so the suspect asked to be delivered to the address mentioned," he said.

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The marijuana type of narcotics is planned to be circulated in a number of areas in Cianjur in the form of small packages with a total of about 270 packages, but the suspect's actions can be thwarted after officers have succeeded in arresting the suspect and securing evidence.

The suspect was charged with article 114 in conjunction with Article 111 of Law number 35 of 2008 concerning Narcotics.

"We will develop the case, in order to arrest the big dealer who has been supplying marijuana to the suspect," said Aszhari.

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