
JAKARTA - The presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, will continue to make corrections and improvements to President Joko Widodo or Jokowi's government program which is considered inappropriate.

This statement was made in response to the survey results of the Australian institution, Utting Research, which stated that 18 percent of respondents wanted presidential candidates to continue Jokowi's government program.

Even so, Ganjar emphasized that Jokowi's government program could not be stopped suddenly. He admitted that this was impossible.

Regarding infrastructure, Ganjar also said that infrastructure development is an important step that must be taken to improve economic and social welfare.

"Unless something is wrong, we will stop it. Unless something doesn't fit, we will correct it," said Ganjar in Kuningan, South Jakarta, on Saturday, July 29, 2023.

Since being declared a candidate for president by the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) on April 21, 2023, Ganjar has highlighted the importance of the sustainability of government programs.

In addition to getting support from PDIP, Ganjar is also championed as a presidential candidate by the United Development Party (PPP), Hanura Party, and Perindo Party.

Ganjar explained that the sustainability in question does not mean that Jokowi's government program will continue without any changes. He stated that continuing to listen to input and the aspirations of the people addressed to the government are important things.

"Yes, yes (there are still improvements), the Plek-ketiplek period. That's something wrong, today is criticism of the government regarding law enforcement that has not been good, we are listening to it," said the Governor of Central Java.

On another occasion, Ganjar spoke at an event entitled Hari Menjadi Manusia. In his speech, Ganjar shared various things, including the risk of becoming a leader.

Ganjar stated that a leader must be prepared to face criticism or "be bullied." The decisions taken as leaders will not always satisfy everyone, but Ganjar assured that the decision was based on hearing from various parties and objective analysis of problems.

As a leader, Ganjar also acknowledged the importance of courage in making decisions. Although the decision does not always make everyone happy, he stressed the importance of providing clear arguments in every decision taken.

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