
NTT - Ende Agricultural Quarantine Station strengthens surveillance at a number of entrances and exits in the Flores and Lembata areas. This effort is to prevent attractive events in the area.

Head of the Agricultural Quarantine Ende Komarudin said the supervision included examining documents of cows, goats, and buffalo which are the most at risk of being exposed to attack.

"Supervision at the entrances is tightened by examining all carrier media that are at risk of transmitting anti-extraction," he said in Ende, Thursday, July 27, which was confiscated by Antara.

He said that every media carrier must be equipped with the requirements as stipulated in the law.

Komarudin explained that several documents that must be completed in animal traffic include veterinary certificates or Animal Health Certificates (SKKH) issued by veterinary authority officials from the local government of origin.

Including, he continued, the permit for expenditure/income of cut livestock from the One Stop Integrated Licensing Office of NTT Province for Expenditures/Income between provinces.

Meanwhile, several quarantine documents must be owned in the form of a KH 11 Health Certificate for the issuance of livestock and an Animal Quarantine Release Certificate (KH 12) for livestock income.

"Animals must be quarantined, clinical examinations are carried out, including a laboratory examination result letter, accompanied by a veterinary letter from the agency and an animal quarantine certificate," he said.

Komarudin emphasized that animals that enter without quarantine certificates or/and enter not through designated income points will be detained and refused to return to their area of origin, or destroyed if the animal owner does not want to be rejected to the area of origin.

"He can be sentenced to a maximum of two years in prison and a maximum fine of Rp. 2 billion," he said.

In addition to efforts to closely monitor the entrances and exits, the Ende Agricultural Quarantine also coordinates with related parties and socializes to prevent illegal traffic in the media carrying anti-extraction and processed products.

Previously, an imaging case was found in Dukuh Jati, Candirejo Village, Semanu District, Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). Three people died from May-June 2023 due to residents of Gunungkidul eating beef that had been buried.

Of the three cases that died, one case was taken and an anti-expect diagnosis was carried out.

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