
JAKARTA - A traffic accident occurred on Jalan Panglima Polim Rata, South direction, precisely at Blok M MRT Station, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Sunday, July 23. The incident was reported to have occurred at around 03.00 WIB.

Kebayoran Baru Police Chief Kompol Tribuana Roseno explained that a single accident involving a Honda CB motorcycle with the number G 4094 ME driven by the victim Yusril Ajie Sugiarto crashed into the MRT Blok M BCA fence.

"A single accident caused the victim to die named Yusril Ajie Sugiarto (motorcyclist). Meanwhile, the passenger named Nur Asiz Ardiansyah suffered serious injuries," said Commissioner Tribuana when confirmed, Sunday, July 23.

From his identity card, the two victims were identified as residents from Tegal, Central Java.

Victim Yusril suffered serious injuries to the head and died at the crime scene (TKP).

The victim's body Yusril was then taken to Fatmawati Hospital.

"While the victim named Nur, the motorcyclist suffered injuries to his head, knee left leg and right leg. Currently, Nur's condition is still critically unconscious at Pertamina Kebayoran Baru Hospital," he said.

Based on eyewitness testimony from the incident, initially the Honda CB motorbike driven by Yusril drove from north to south on Jalan Panglima Polim Raya.

It is suspected that he did not concentrate until the motorbike he was driving could not be controlled so he swerved and hit the post of MRT BLOK M station on the right side of the road.

"The alleged accident is still under investigation. The victim's motorbike was confiscated as evidence. The accident case was handled by the South Jakarta Satwil Unit Team 1," he said.

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