
Riau Governor Syamsuar appealed to the public not to clear land by burning because of the high potential for forest and land fires or forest and land fires.

Based on a report by the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Syamsuar said Riau was still hit by dry dry dry dry season until September 2023.

"Riau is still hit by dry season until September 2023, let's not burn the land," he said in Pekanbaru, Riau, Friday, July 21, which was confiscated by Antara.

He expressed his gratitude because the handling of forest and land fires was still under control by the Riau Karhutla Task Force (Satgas). In fact, in recent years, the smog disaster has no longer existed in the area with the nickname "Bumi Lancang Kuning".

To prevent forest and land fires, he said, the entire Riau community should not clear land by burning land.

"According to BMKG information, I am not tired of urging all Riau people to remain vigilant and ask not to clear land by burning, because Riau has a large peatland and will be prone to fire," he said.

Moreover, he said, the head of BMKG reminded the public to remain careful, including not clearing land by burning.

He said efforts to control forest and land fires in Riau Province were successful thanks to the cooperation of many parties, including establishing and activation of the Karhutla Task Force posts starting at the provincial, district, and sub-district levels.

In addition, the use of the yellow dashboard of the Riau Police, early detection of hotspots, and proper handling so that the fire does not grow and spread.

In addition, routine and integrated independent patrols intensify socialization to organizations and counseling to the public so as not to clear land by burning.

"Riau has also alerted all human resources and land forest fire infrastructure, such as 12 excavator heavy equipment, fire pumps, hoses, operational vehicles, canal bulks, reservoirs, fire monitoring towers and others and ensure the infrastructure is functioning properly," he said.

In addition, Riau is increasing coordination and cooperation with all stakeholders, such as the TNI/Polri, the business world, community leaders, traditional leaders, religious leaders, academics, mass media, volunteers, and the community.

Another effort, through fire preparedness in order to anticipate and control forest and land fires.

"We are also weting peatlands, especially in fire-prone areas, as well as in handling forest and land fires, which are also assisted by weather modification technology (TMC). Riau must remain vigilant, because forest and land fires have a big loss," said Syamsuar.

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