
RIAU - Bintan Police raided three locations suspected of being illegal sand mining activities. However, when the search was carried out, only mining equipment was found.

"We conducted a sweep of three locations where illegal sand mining was suspected, especially in the Bintan Regency area," said Bintan Police Chief AKBP Riky Iswoyo in Bintan, Riau Islands (Kepri), Friday, July 21, as reported by Antara.

Riky explained the three locations in question, namely Cikolek Village, Toapaya Village, Toapaya District; North Tanjung Uban Bugis Village; and Sakera Village.

"No mining activities were found at the location, nor did the owner," said Riky.

He conveyed that several mining equipment found at the location was secured by the Bintan Police. The equipment is a sand suction machine, paralon pipe, hose, sand filter iron, and diesel oil jerry cans.

Meanwhile, large equipment that cannot be brought to the Bintan Police Headquarters, he continued, is sealed using a police line or police line, such as an excavator to a sand bath.

"For now, the alleged illegal sand mining is still being investigated by the Bintan Police," he said.

Meanwhile, in this raid in three locations, it not only involved the Bintan Police but also the Environment Agency, the ESDM Service, Satpol PP to the TNI. Furthermore, Riky appealed to the public, both companies and individuals, not to carry out illegal sand mining because they violated the law and could be punished.

Illegal sand mining actors can be punished under Article 158 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 3 of 2020 (Revision of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 4 of 2009) concerning Mineral and Coal Mining with a maximum imprisonment of 5 years and a maximum fine of Rp. 10 billion, while the conservation can be threatened with Article 161 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 3 of 2020 (Revision of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 4 of 2009) concerning Mineral and Coal Mining with a maximum threat of 10 years in prison.

"If you want to do mining, you must take care of the permit, so that legality is obtained from the competent authorities," he said.

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