
The Dean of the Faculty of Defense Management (FMP) of the Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia (IDU), Major General TNI Agus Winarna, SIP, MSI, MTr (Han)., officially opened the Seminar on the Results of Foreign Work Lectures (KKLN) of the Defense Management Faculty with the theme "National Resources for Defense Management in the Face of Imminent Threats in the Modern Warfare of 21st Century." This event took place in a hybrid manner and involved students and experts from Japan.

In this seminar, FMP Unan RI students presented the results of their research which had been carried out for one month in Japan. The Dean of Major General TNI Agus Winarna emphasized the importance of insight and knowledge obtained from Japan to support the Indonesian government, especially in the fields of Management, Economy, Energy and Defense Resources.

As part of the event, several students presented the results of their research in front of experts from Japan. The material presented includes topics such as Mineral Energy Management for National Energy Security, the role of Cyber Economy in Facing the Threat of Modern Warfare, and the Impact of Technology, Military, and Social-Economic Welfare on Conflicts in Indonesia and Japan.

The KKLN Results Seminar was attended by 117 participants through the zoom platform, including Graduate students from the Faculty of Defense Management, assistant lecturers, and staff from the FMP Defense University RI. This event was moderated by Dr. Ir. Novky A., ST., M.Si (Han)., IPU, as the Permanent Lecturer of the Faculty of Defense Management.

In closing the seminar, the Dean of the FMP Defense University of the Republic of Indonesia highlighted the importance of waste management in the national industry in order to overcome pollution and environmental damage. He also emphasized the challenges and opportunities in the Cyber sector and how international cooperation is the key in dealing with cyber threats. In addition, the increase in Indonesia's Human Development Index (HDI) is the focus of investment in the fields of education, health, poverty reduction, and infrastructure development to achieve a fairer and more prosperous society.

With the hope that the knowledge from the KKLN can be expanded, the Dean of the FMP Defense University of Indonesia hopes that students can achieve excellence in the field of defense management, encourage innovation, and work collaboratively to overcome challenges in the future.

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