
JATENG - Kudus Police revealed 11 cases of drug abuse throughout May-July 2023 by securing 16 suspects.

"The evidence that was secured was in the form of 7.86 grams of shabu-shabu narcotics worth Rp. 94 million and 1,821 dangerous drugs worth Rp. 6 million," said Jepara Police Chief AKBP Wahyu Nugroho Setyawan during a press conference at the Jepara Police Headquarters, Central Java, Thursday, July 20, confiscated by Antara.

Dozens of suspects, he said, were arrested at 11 different crime scenes (TKP) along with their evidence.

A total of 11 crime scenes include Weahan District, Annual District, and Jepara Kota District with two crime scenes each, and Pakis Aji District, Mlonggo District, Bangsri District, Batealit District, and Mayong District with one crime scene each.

Of the dozens of suspects, he said, the youngest was 19 years old and the oldest was 51 years old. Three of the three suspects were recidivists who had just left prison, namely the initials ASR, AC, and W.

The modus operandi, he said, was without the right to sell, distribute, and offer narcotics, while drugs were sold without a distribution permit.

In addition to uncovering these cases, he continued, the operation saved the public from losses that reached hundreds of millions of rupiah if the narcotics were successfully circulated in the Jepara area.

The Jepara Police are committed to protecting the younger generation from the dangers of narcotics and illegal drugs in the midst of any situation and condition.

Narcotics suspects are threatened with Article 114 paragraph 1 of Law (UU) 35/2009 concerning Narcotics with a minimum sentence of four years in prison and a maximum of 20 years in prison. Meanwhile, the suspect in a drug case without a distribution permit was charged with Article 197 sub 196 of Law 36/2009 on Health with a threat of 15 years in prison.

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