
Prosecutors from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspect that a sum of money from the bribery case for the procurement of CCTV and ISP in the Bandung City Transportation Service (Dishub), West Java, has flowed to the chairman of the Bandung City DPRD.

Public Prosecutor Titto Jaelani said this was concluded from the testimony of witnesses during the trial. The witness who revealed this was Asep Gunawan as a Casual Daily Employee (PHL) at the Bandung City Transportation Agency.

"Earlier, Asep Gunawan explained that some were given to the aide to the chairman of the DPRD," said Titto after the trial of the defendant who bribed the Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, reported by ANTARA, Monday, July 17.

In addition, according to him, the witness also said that some of the bribes were channeled to law enforcement officials. However, he did not know the amount of bribes that were channeled to a number of parties because the witness admitted that he only delivered envelopes suspected of containing money.

"But we don't know very well or not, that's witness testimony," he said.

The allegation was revealed when Asep admitted that he had received an envelope that allegedly contained a sum of money from Andreas Guntoro as the accused of bribery who was the manager of PT SMA. The deposit was addressed to Khairur Rijal as the suspect in receiving bribes who is the Secretary of the Bandung City Transportation Service.

"From the money ordered, entrusted to Khairur Rijal, were you ordered to give money to a number of parties?" asked Attorney Titto.

Asep replied that he had been ordered several times by Rijal to give money to Dadang Darmawan as a suspect in receiving bribes who was the Head of the Transportation Service.

In addition, according to him, there was a similar order from Rijal to deliver the envelope to the chairman of the Bandung City DPRD through his aide. The incident occurred on April 14, 2023, or during a hand arrest operation (OTT) by the KPK against the Mayor Yana Mulyana regarding the bribery case.

"On Friday, April 14, I was ordered to deliver the envelope to Pak Ordid, the aide to the Chairman of the Council, Tedy, but I had to deliver the file to Gedebage, so it was the operator on duty that Robby finally delivered," said Asep.

In the agenda of the follow-up trial of the bribery defendant Yana Mulyana, the prosecutor presented four witnesses, namely the Head and Sub-Sectional Staff of the Bandung City Transportation Agency Kalteno and Nur Aini Ismail Baranuri and Asep Gunawan and Nadya Nurul Anisa as casual daily workers (PHL) in the ATCS section of the Bandung City Transportation Agency.

The four witnesses gave statements for the defendant Sonny Setiadi as Director of PT Cifo, Andreas Guntoro as Manager of PT SMA and Benny as Director of PT SMA. They were charged with giving bribes of Rp. 888 million to be elected as project implementers at the Bandung City Transportation Agency.

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