JAKARTA - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) reminded the government to ban gatherings of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities (LGBT) throughout ASEAN in Jakarta, which are widely discussed on social media.
"If it is true that LGBT activists throughout ASEAN will hold meetings in Jakarta, then they are allowed, then it means that the government has violated the provisions set by the constitution," said MUI Deputy General Chair Anwar Abbas as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 11.
Previously, information circulated from the Instagram account @aseansogiecaucus which will hold an event for the LGBT community throughout ASEAN. The activity is planned to be held on July 17-21, 2023 in Jakarta. However, not long after, the information was deleted by the account.
Anwar said the government should not give permission for an activity that is contrary to the values of religious teachings.
LGBT, said Anwar, contradicts six religions recognized by the Indonesian state, namely Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism.
"No one of these religions tolerates the practice of LGBT. MUI reminds the government not to allow and give permission to organize the event," he said.
Meanwhile, Polda Metro Jaya is investigating information regarding the existence of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) gatherings throughout ASEAN which is planned to be held in Jakarta.
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Director of Intelligence and Security (Dirintelkam) Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Hirbak Wahyu Setiawan said that until now his party was still investigating the information.
"Yes, we are trying to find out whether it is true or not," he said.
Hirbak has also checked the schedule and agenda of events to several locations such as hotels or meeting buildings in Jakarta.
"We also don't have a check (schedule) at the hotel, all events at the hotel don't exist, other places don't exist," he said.
Hirbak said that until now no party has applied for a permit and no notification has been made regarding this activity.
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