
BALI - The Government of Badung Regency, Bali continues to be committed to waste management through the Reduce Waste Processing Site (TPS), Reuse, Recycle (TPS 3R) in accordance with the direction of the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment (Menko Marves) of the Republic of Indonesia.

The Regent of Badung, I Nyoman Giri Prasta said that waste management efforts in Badung Regency, especially in Seminyak, are expected to be a pilot model not only for the Bali Province, but to the international level.

"We hope that in carrying out activities to reduce, sort out and process this will not only be an example in Bali Province, but also to the international level. The point is to grow the circular economy is extraordinary. We will fully support it. Once again I don't want to hoard or there is a pile of garbage," said Regent Giri Prasta after inaugurating the new building. TPS 3R Seminyak Mahija Collection Center, Friday (7/7).

It should be noted that the development of infrastructure at TPS 3R Seminyak is a form of collaboration between the Coca-Cola Europacific Partners (CCEP) Indonesia, the Badung Regency Government, and PT Tatalogam Lestari (Tatalogam Group) in joint efforts to deal with waste in Indonesia. Vice President Public Affairs, Communications, and Sustainability CCEP Indonesia and Papua New Guinea, Lucia Karina, said that the purpose of this support was to increase the capacity of the Seminyak 3R TPS so that it could function optimally supported by the central government through the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.

"As a global company operating locally, we are aware that we must also be part of the solution not only in our global Europe, but also in Indonesia. And we also strongly support the commitment of the Indonesian government to reduce waste by 30% and reduce marine debris by 70% by 2025. And this is one we can do as a form of our commitment, apart from other commitments that we are doing together with our system from The Coca-cola Company," Karina explained.

Karina admits that the achievements that have been achieved so far are the hard work of many parties involved in it. Starting from the government, indigenous peoples, to other private parties. This is of course adjusted to the concept of collaboration offered by CCEP which they call the Nona-Helix approach.

Helix approach is our approach to invite all stakeholders together to manage waste. So the management waste is based on management by stakeholders. Therefore, this year I discussed with several parties, one of which is our partner, PT Tatalogam Lestari (Tatalogam Group), which has been running the ESG pillar (Environment, Social and Governance). We invite them to be able to also show how the principle of the sustainability of the steel industry is included in the management waste," explained Karina.

As a result, Karina continued, the zero waste principle that has been promoted by metal tile and light steel-based buildings is also able to be applied in the construction of the newly inaugurated Seminyak 3R TPS construction. The process of calculating and cutting materials is carried out at the factory directly so that no construction material is wasted at the construction site of the Seminyak 3R TPS.

Tatalogam Lestari is one of the leaders for metal tiles and light steel as well as light steel-based buildings. Incidentally, I also saw the process of how we build a building without any remaining material at all. So it was really made in precision at the factory directly so that there was no more building waste at the construction site. And Alhamdulillah, this development journey is also very short, because the whole thing only takes less than 1 month, "explained Karina again. It doesn't stop at the building material alone, in order to support the activities of MSMEs in Bali so that there is a circular economy, Tatalogam Group also cooperates with MSMEs that are members of the HUNI (Indonesian National Micro, Medium Building Business Association). Members of the MSME association who have pocketed professional certification as a light steel applicator are also involved in the construction process of the Seminyak 3R TPS based on this lightweight steel frame.

Together, they then installed all the buildings that we will inaugurate today. And at this time of development, maybe friends in the oil and oil also know that this development is really zero waste. Everything is used so that we can show that we can do the construction without garbage. And this is realized by friends from Tatalogam supported by HUNI," Karina explained again.

Vice President of Tatalogam Group, Stephanus Koeswandi represented by the Head of Government and Public Relations, Maharany Putri said, her party really appreciates the concrete steps that have been taken by the Bali Regency Government and CCEP Indonesia in efforts to handle waste in Bali. He explained that caring for the environment is the responsibility of all parties. In Tatalogam itself, various efforts have been made to overcome this problem.

"Climate change due to the impact of environmental damage is one of the focuses of our company's attention. For this reason, in order to ensure nature's sustainability for future generations, the Tatalogam Group has mainstreamed sustainable green policies in management and production operations with ESG pillars (Environment, Social and Governance). In addition, we also continue to fully committed to supporting a sustainable green agenda both with the government, academics, as well as other businesses/industries, "explained Maharany.

Maharany added, the collaboration between Tatalogam Group and CCEP Indonesia this time itself is not without reason. CCEP's work in dealing with waste problems in Bali, which has been carried out intensely, has received special attention from the company.

It was this CCEP Indonesia kiprah that has mobilized us to be enthusiastic about contributing to the activities of the Establishment of the Seminyak 3R TPS Facility in the form of materials and construction of a steel frame (statework) that was carried out with the HUNI MSMEs. This is one clear proof of the walk the talk of our commitment to the environment including community, earth and planet for the survival of our children and grandchildren together," explained Maharany again.

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