
The Secretary General of the House of Representatives, Indra Iskandar, emphasized that the virtual presence of council members in work meetings and plenary meetings was in accordance with existing mechanisms. This work system is also in line with the new normal era after the pandemic.

"In the DPR's rules (order), meetings of council members can be held physically or virtually," said Secretary General of the DPR Indra Iskandar, Friday, July 7.

The order in question is contained in Article 254 of the DPR RI Regulation Number 1 of 2020 concerning Order. In Article 254 paragraph (4) of the DPR Regulation it is stated that all types of DPR meetings are attended by members, except under certain circumstances, namely hazard conditions, forcing interests, extraordinary circumstances, conflicts, natural disasters, and other specific circumstances that ensure the existence of national urgency of meetings can be carried out virtually using information and communication technology.

Meanwhile, in Paragraph (5) the same article is explained by the DPR meeting which is held virtually as referred to in paragraph (4), the presence of members can be determined as many as 1 (one) Member for each faction, unless it is determined otherwise by the DPR leadership. Then in Paragraph (6) it is stated that in terms of the presence of Members as referred to in paragraph (5) it cannot be fulfilled, all types of DPR meetings remain valid even though they are attended by leaders and members virtually.

Based on these rules, according to Indra, decision-making in a DPR meeting with such conditions is still valid.

"So the DPR regulations allow the presence of members of the council virtually in meetings. Not only during plenary meetings, but also other work meetings," he said.

This was conveyed by Indra in response to criticism from the Indonesian Parliamentary Concerned Community Forum (Formappi) regarding the lack of physical presence of DPR members in plenary meetings. However, even though the council members are not physically present, it does not mean that the substance of the meeting will decrease.

"The presence of members of the council virtually is not necessarily more serious or does not contribute more than physical presence," said Indra.

"And the most important thing is that the meeting has met the forum quota (quorum) based on the DPR's Orderly Regulation, which has been attended by more than half of the DPR members and consists of more than half of the fractional elements. Be it physically, virtually, or a combination of the two," he continued.

Indra also denied Formappi's claim that the DPR member's physical absence was due to laziness. Because in fact, said Indra, the virtual meeting method supports the work of the DPR.

"In fact, the provisions for attending virtually make council members more active and involved in meetings held by the DPR RI. Provisions like this can also further optimize the performance of council members," he said.

"Because members of the Council can still attend meetings when there are other tasks, for example during work visits in the regions or various other important work tasks whose time coincides with the plenary meeting," he added.

Indra said the virtual attendance system allows members of the DPR who are not in Jakarta to still be able to contribute to plenary meetings or meetings at the Commission. That way, the work of the DPR in the function of legislation, budgeting and supervision can also be more optimal.

"Members of the DPR who attend virtually can still provide input during meetings, while at the same time carrying out other work assignments. Especially if it is related to their visit, of course it will be even more relevant because the aspirations of the people who have just been absorbed can be conveyed directly in work meetings, including with partners in the government," said Indra.

"We even often find council members who are actually sick but want to be able to contribute to meetings, and finally they take advantage of this virtual attendance system," he continued.

Indra admitted that the activity was indeed made for work adjustments during the past pandemic as an effort to prevent transmission of the virus. Even so, after the pandemic the world has adapted to various things, including the adoption of virtual meetings.

"The pandemic teaches many things. Including how the use of technology can make work more productive and relevant," said Indra.

The use of information technology itself related to attendance in current meetings is also mostly carried out in other agencies. Indra said that the adaptation of new normal does not necessarily mean bad.

"It doesn't mean that the presence of non-physical results are not good. The use of technology can erode distance, space and time to optimize work results," he said.

"I invite all parties to see this problem with wider glasses and not create perceptions that can cause misperceptions from the community," he said.

"Don't because there are certain stigmas, or the mistakes of one or two members of the council, so the impression is that what the DPR is doing is always wrong. Let's evaluate together objectively because there are so many DPR members who work hard for the welfare of the people," added Indra.

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