
The BandAR LAMPUNG - Bandar Lampung Police have examined seven witnesses related to the elevator accident, which resulted in 7 deaths at the Az Zahra Bandar Lampung School.

"We have examined seven witnesses. Four people are security guards who at the time of the incident immediately heard, saw, did help, and took the victim to the hospital," said Bandarlampung Police Chief Kombes Ino Harianto as reported by ANTARA, Friday, July 7.

Ino said the summons and examinations were also carried out on the head of the foundation, the party who was given a job by the school, and a principal.

As a follow-up to the investigation process that has been carried out since Thursday (6/7), the Bandarlampung Police have requested assistance from the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters to conduct an assessment regarding the cause of the elevator work accident.

"This is part of the development. We deliberately asked for help from the National Police Headquarters Labfor. So, whatever is found later, it will definitely be very useful for us to determine the investigation process for improvement to investigation," explained Ino.

The results of the forensic laboratory test as well as information from friends from the Puslabfor Police Headquarters, continued Ino, will be developed again in the next process.

"So, later it will be known who is responsible for this incident. We will definitely enforce the law so that there is clarity in this case," he said.

Currently, two victims of the elevator accident who fell at the AzZahratu School are still in critical condition.

"Yesterday, there were rumors of death and so on. We checked and communicated with the doctor in charge, the condition of the two victims is still critical," said Ino.

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