JAKARTA - As an effort to mitigate the climate crisis that has hit many countries in the world, the Government of Indonesia and its partners have launched the Global Blended Finance Alliance (GBF) through the Tri Hita Karana (THK) Forum during the G20 Summit in Bali in November 2022.
The GBF, which is incubated by the THK Forum, is very important to open funding between countries and partners aimed at mitigating the climate crisis, the environment and replicating multi-party mixed financing solutions. One form of climate crisis mitigation that can be done is through decarbonization, referring to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, such as CO2, from various sectors. This is in line with one of the results of the G20 Summit in Bali, namely Indonesia's commitment to achieving zero carbon emissions through the Cooperation of Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP).
The challenges in decarbonization include dependence on fossil fuels, infrastructure that must be changed, and the need for considerable funding. However, there are also opportunities that arise, such as technological innovation, economic sustainability, and global leadership.
In order to educate the general public about the importance of decarbonization, the Indonesian CSR Forum, which is a social organization that is also a strategic partner of the government and various groups, including the Business World, BUMN, BUMD, Foundations, Universities and NGOs, held the 2023 Sustainability Talks Seminar at Soehanna Hall, The Energy Building, Jakarta on Wednesday, July 5.
Sustainability Talks 2023 has the theme “Decarbonization: Challenge & Opportunities ” and presents competent mauters in their fields. This session was filled by Acting Director General of Social Resources of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs Beni Sujanto, Secretary General of Environmental Pollution and Damage Control (PPKL) Tulus Laksono, Vice President Director of PT Vale Indonesia, Tbk Ardiansyah Chaniago, Chief of Corporate Affairs of PT Astra International, Tbk Diah S. Febrianti and Senior Manager of Sustainability PT Medco E&P Indonesia Ibrahim Arsyad.
Chairman of the Indonesian CSR Forum, Mahir Bayasut, who was also present at the seminar, said that Sustainability Talks is an academic and practitioner forum packaged in the concept of seminar activities. This activity is intended to provide a lot of insight and inspiration for business and institutional actors on how to create sustainable business and industry across sectors during this era of digitalization.
“ We support Indonesia's agenda for economic growth in a sustainable way, one of which is through decarbonization. Through this seminar, we hope to provide a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities related to decarbonization in the face of global climate change.
Sustainability Talks this time is also our effort to amplify the multi-party funding program initiated by the government as an instrument for harmonizing the company's CSR program and mitigating the climate crisis. So that it is hoped that it can contribute to the success of the decarbonization target towards the Indonesia net zero emissions in 2060” said Mahir.
Padmamitra Award 2022 Announces Winners From 11 Categories
On the same occasion, the Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with the Indonesian CSR Forum also held the Padmamitra Award 2022. The 2022 Padmamitra Award winner was officially announced at Soehanna Hall, The Energy Building, Jakarta on Wednesday, July 5, and was handed over directly by the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ma’ruf Amin and accompanied by the General Chairperson of the Indonesian CSR Forum, Mahir Bayasut.
There are 11 categories of awards, including Environmental Conservation & Biodiversity (PT Chandra Asri Petrochemical Tbk, PT Semen Padang, Adaro Energy Indonesia and PT Eigerindo MPI), Social & Behavioral Deviations (PT Pertamina Fuel Termial Parepare), Disaster (PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy Area Ulubelu), Poverty Reduction (PT Perusahaan Gas Negara Tbk, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Cilacap and Petrosea Tbk), Inclusive Religion (PT Kaltim Nitrate Indonesia).
Then the category of Empowerment & Control of Disabilities (PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Fuel Terminal Boyolali), Health (PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Jakarta and PT PLN Indonesia Power Priok POMU), Quality Education (PT Telkom Indonesia and Sinar Mas Land), Digital Economy (Tokopedia), Remote Handling (PT Paiton Energy) and the last is the Entrepreneurship category (PT Astra International Tbk, PT Vale Indonesia Tbk and ExxonMobil Cepu Limited).
PLT Dirjen Dayassos Kementerian Sosial RI Beni Sujanto melalui keterangan resmitanya menyampaikan bahwa Padmamitra Award sebagai bentuk apresiasi kepada dunia usaha meliputi Perusahaan Pribadi, BUMN, dan BUMD yang telah berkontribusi terhadap kesejahteraan sosial di Indonesia.
"“We hope that through Padmamitra Award, CSR activities throughout Indonesia can be more equitable and companies can collaborate on the PENA Program (Indonesian Economic Volunteers) which is an initiation program from the Ministry of Social Affairs. PENA is held in the context of empowering the economy of the recipients of social assistance so that they can develop entrepreneurship by providing business assistance.” said Beni.
The chairman of the Padmamitra Award 2022 Organizing Committee, Rio Zakarias W. added that, previously in the administrative selection conducted by the organizing committee from September to October 2022, there were 155 companies registering from all over Indonesia. Then from 155 participants, as many as 69 companies managed to go to the next stage, namely following the selection of interviews by a jury from academics to professionals in November 2022 at the Ashley Hotel, Jakarta. Furthermore, of the 69 companies that have participated in the selection, finally the jury determined as many as 20 companies to be the winners of the Padmamitra Award 2022 from 11 categories.
The jury team involved included the former Deputy Minister of Education and Culture who is now the Chancellor of YARSI Prof. Dr. Fasli Jalal, PhD., Director of ISA Maria R. Nindita Radyati Ph.D, Deputy Chairperson of KADIN for Social Affairs Suryani S. Motik, CSR and Sustainability Practitioner Amalia Yunita, and Sustainability Practitioner Achmad Adhitya Ph.d, Jalal and M Satria.
The 2022 PAdmitra Award has an important element in its implementation, namely as an appreciation for the concern of business actors for the implementation of social welfare. In addition, the implementation of the 2022 Padmamitra Award is an effort to foster motivation and exemplary among the business world, ” concluded Rio.
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