
SOLO - The revitalization process of the Surakarta Palace, Central Java, which is planned to partially use grant funds from the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Government will start in September 2023.

"Sepel starting, next week it will be tender, June (in 2024.Red.) so," said Surakarta Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka, quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.

He said the revitalization of the Surakarta Palace would begin at the outside first, namely the North Square and South Square areas.

"Including the souvenir market in front of the Grand Mosque. But the Grand Mosque has a different proposal again," he said.

After that, according to him, the revitalization will continue in the interior such as the palace icon, namely the four-story Sangga Buwana building. He said the palace design would be returned to the initial design, including the presence of beach sand in the palace area.

Regarding the revitalization budget, he said, he would use UAE grant funds and APBN funds. However, he has not explained how much the budget is needed.

"Later, next week it will be auctioned," he said.

Meanwhile, the management of the palace after its revitalization will be carried out by the palace and the Surakarta City Government.

"Management, maintenance, how can it continue. According to the direction of the visit, we will cooperate with the Surakarta City Government (related, Red.) Street Vendors, cleanliness, and parking arrangements," he said.

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