PALANGKA RAYA - Lamandau Resort Police, Central Kalimantan, handled a motorcycle theft case involving six perpetrators who were still minors.
Lamandau Police Chief AKBPBronto Budiyono said the six perpetrators who are currently undergoing the legal process had the initials R (15), GD (15), MA (17), HP 14, M (16), and C (17).
They were arrested by the Satreskrim Polres Lamandau and Polsek Delang last week after reports from the public that they were aware of the theft of the motor vehicle (curanmor) case.
"The disclosure of this theft case was because a resident saw one of the perpetrators carrying a stolen vehicle belonging to a resident of Delang District and finally gave chase and was arrested in a different location in Lamandau Regency and Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, July 4.
He explained that the perpetrators who had been named as suspects were arrested on Wednesday (26/6). Initially, the police arrested one perpetrator in Lamandau Regency, Delang Police.
After the examination, the other five perpetrators could be arrested at a place in the Ketapang Regency area which borders Lamandau Regency.
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From the hands of the suspects, the police managed to confiscate eight stolen motorbikes which have now also been secured at the Lamandau Police as evidence.
"The perpetrators have also undergone intensive examinations by investigators in accordance with applicable regulations. They all come from Ketapang Regency, West Kalimantan," he added.
The evidence that was secured was a Honda CRF motorcycle, Honda Revo Fit, Honda Beat, Honda Supra, Honda Revo, and three other motorbikes that had no reporter.
"Given that the suspects are still underage, the case will be transferred first. If there is no agreement, the legal process will continue until the next stage," explained the Police Chief.
The suspects were charged with Article 363 paragraph 1 4e of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 64 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a maximum prison sentence of seven years in prison.
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