GORONTALO - The Regency Government (Pemkab) of North Gorontalo, Gorontalo Province, has not extended the contract of regional honorariums for the 2023 Fiscal Year.
"This year's regional honorary contract is only until June. We have not extended it but have formed a verification team to evaluate the list of proposals from regional apparatus organizations (OPD) according to the needs of supporting staff in their respective offices," said the Regional Secretary of the North Gorontalo Regency Government, Suleman Lakoro in Gorontalo, Antara, Sunday, June 2.
He ensured that the district government would not lay off honorary workers. "Their working period according to the contract is only until June for the 2023 Fiscal Year," he said.
The verification team he leads, consisting of Assistants, Education and Training Personnel Agency (BKPP), Inspectorate, Organizational Parts, Legal Parts, will immediately verify and validate the necessary support personnel in each OPD.
For honorary purposes such as non-permanent teachers, health workers are still on duty as usual.
Similar to urgent honorary staff such as firefighters who are obliged to be on standby at all times. As well as there are mandatory support personnel such as drivers, cleaners and administrative staff (commissioned entry letters).
"The rest of the extension of the regional honorary contract has not been carried out. We are waiting for the results of verification and validation to be adjusted to the budget. We recruit and then there is no budget for salary, instead it becomes a problem, verification according to needs will be carried out immediately," said Suleman as well.
He ensured that according to the work contract, regional honorariums still receive salaries in June. "Honorers work first and then receive salaries. They can still come to the office to receive the payment of salaries in June," he said.
He said the number of honorary workers who had changed their status to government employees with a work agreement (P3K) in 2022 reached 267 people. In 2023, 371 health workers, 372 teachers and 67 technical people. The total reached 1,077 people.
The remaining 453 health workers, 386 teachers and 1,177 technical personnel. The total reached 2,016 people.
The district government, said Suleman, continues to strive so that 2,016 people can change their status to first aid personnel. "We are fighting for it according to the regulations set by the government," he said.
Given that the total budget through the General Allocation Fund (DAU) for regional honorary salaries is relatively large, reaching Rp1.7 billion per month.
"Therefore, we are working hard so that all the remaining honorariums can change their status to first aid. Hopefully, before November 28, 2023, there will be good news from the central government for regional honorariums," said Suleman.
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