
JAKARTA - Hajj pilgrims, including from Indonesia, packed the Grand Mosque today to perform prayers and Tawaf Ifadah which is a series of hajj pillars. Based on observations, in groups they departed from the hotel where they stayed for the Grand Mosque after completing a series of peak Hajj services in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina. "Indonesian pilgrims are already in Mecca, they rest, some go to the Grand Mosque for the Ifadah Tawaf," said Director General of Hajj and Umrah at the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) Hilman Latief, quoted from Antara, Sunday, July 2. He said some of the congregation took a break at the hotel to gather energy because the trip from Mina to Mecca was quite long. "The queues are everywhere, so it drains the energy of the congregation," said Hilman. Hilman appealed to pilgrims who are still tired to postpone Tawaf Ifadah at the Grand Mosque and rest at the hotel. "This has been regulated by either the chairman of the group or the head of the KBIHU or the Hajj and Umrah Guidance Group," said Hilman. The mabit phase (staying) in Mina is over and all Indonesian pilgrims have left Mina, returned to their respective hotels in Mecca, as well as marking the end of the peak stages of Hajj in Arafah, Muzdalifah, and Mina. The repatriation of pilgrims from Mina to Mecca took place for two days, 12 and 13 Zulhijah 1444 Hijri. More than 156,000 Hajj participants or 74 percent of Indonesian pilgrims took the initial nafar option, returning from Mina on 12 Zulhijah or Friday 30 June 2023. Meanwhile, as many as 26 percent, Nafar Tsani chose to return from Mina on 13 Zulhijah or Saturday 1 July 2023. Hilman Latief said, of the 209,782 regular Hajj participants who arrived in the Holy Land, 198,373 people underwent Hajj Seluktu', 3,233 people with Haji Ifrad, while 31 others with Qiran. Before the peak of the hajj, continued Hilman, there were 154 Hajj participants who died. A total of 10 participants died in the country, 143 died in Saudi Arabia, one special Hajj participant. "They have all been converted to worship. During the peak phase of the hajj, 112 Hajj participants died in Arafah (14), Mina (58), Mecca (39), and Medina (1). Both those who died in Mecca and Medina, have undergone wusuf both with a badal scheme and a wuskuf safari," said Hilman. Hilman added that the process of returning the first batch of pilgrims will take place from July 4, 2023 through King Abdul Aziz International Airport, Jeddah. The balance of baggage goods began on July 2, 2023, while the second batch of hajj participants will begin departing for Medina on July 10, 2023.

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