
Subang Regent Ruhimat is grateful that his regional expansion plan or proposal from North Subang Regency to become a candidate for a new autonomy preparation region (CDPOB) has been approved by the West Java Provincial Government.

"Of course we express our gratitude for the signing of a joint agreement between the West Java Provincial Government and the West Java Provincial DPRD for the declaration of the North Subang CDPOB," said Regent Subangdilansir ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

He hopes that every process involving Subang's expansion plan can run smoothly and well.

"Hopefully the stages will be smooth, because that is in accordance with the wishes of the people of Pantura (North region of Indonesia)," said the regent.

In Subang Regency, there are currently 30 sub-districts. The plan is that 15 sub-districts will be included in the North Subang Regency area.

The 15 sub-districts that are planned to enter the North Subang area include Pusakanagara, Pusakajaya, Pamukan, Sukasari, Ciasem, Patokbeusi, Legonkulon, Tambakdaan, Pabuaran, and Binong Districts.

In addition, some of them are from Purwadadi District, some from Cikam, Compreng, Blanakan and Cipunagara Districts.

The approval for the expansion of North Subang itself was signed after the West Java Provincial Government and DPRD held a plenary meeting on Tuesday (27/6) yesterday.

Meanwhile, West Java Governor Ridwan Kamil said that the North Subang Regency CDPOB was realized thanks to the collective work of all stakeholders, including following up on the aspirations of the community regarding the expansion of new autonomous areas in the northern region of West Java.

In addition, with the completion of all requirements as of March 28, 2023 by the Subang Regency Government, the proposal will soon be submitted to the Central Government by the Governor and DPRD of West Java.

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