
DENPASAR - Denpasar Police confiscated 3.2 kilograms of marijuana, 47.87 grams of crystal methamphetamine and 351.04 grams of synthetic tobacco from 25 suspects who acted as dealers or couriers during the period of June 2023.

Denpasar Police Chief Kombes Bambang Yugo Pamungkas said of the 20 drug abuse cases, seven cases were quite prominent with considerable evidence involving two recidivist perpetrators.

The suspects who were presented at the press conference session at the Denpasar Police Headquarters were MF (22), ST (23), B (26), RR (25), WFVH (19), PSW (31), YB (37), IHAM (31), EA (41), YE (32).

"From MF and ST, including those in pairs B and RR, goods were obtained from the Medan area, Sumatra through package delivery services," said Bambang Yugo as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 30.

The perpetrator MH was arrested on Friday (9/6) at Berawa Beach, North Kuta, Badung with evidence in the form of two kilograms of marijuana. Bambang said MH acts as a dealer by storing marijuana-type narcotics in his right hand and pants pocket.

After the development was carried out, the police also arrested ST, MH's co-worker.

Both admitted to buying the narcotics package from a person named Paul for Rp. 5 million.

From the lovers of suspects B and RR the police confiscated 1.2 kilograms of marijuana.

Both were secured by officers on Wednesday (14/6) when the suspect RR received a package of marijuana sent from Medan, North Sumatra from a dealer named Melki.

Both of them became drug couriers because they were tempted by the rewards they got if they managed to bring a number of these items to customers who had been determined by the boss.

However, before circulating the goods, the police had already arrested RR following suspect B at the inn in Uluwatu, Badung, Bali.

In the next case, the police secured 345.64 grams of synthesis tobacco stored in 232 plastic clips from a suspect with the initials WFVH on Saturday (10/6).

When interrogated by officers, he admitted that he received Rp50,000 wages every time he circulated narcotics.

From the suspect PSW, the police confiscated 20 plastic clips of methamphetamine weighing 14.12 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

He was arrested on Monday, June 12, 2023 by the Denpasar Police Narcotics Unit. The modus operandi used by the suspect is to store methamphetamine in a boarding house.

He also admitted that he circulated narcotics for a fee of Rp. 50,000 per stick ordered by a person he called the boss.

Next YB (37) and IHAM (31) were arrested by officers by storing synthetic tobacco and marijuana in the pocket of the jacket used by the suspect.

Both were arrested on Tuesday 6 June 2023. After being questioned by the police, the two admitted to getting the item from the site on Instagram. When secured, the police confiscated one plastic synthetic tobacco with a net weight of 5.37 grams and one plastic marijuana with a net weight of 10.23 grams.

On June 23, 2023, the Denpasar Police Narcotics Unit again arrested EA dealer from Singaraja on Tangkuban Boat Street, West Denpasar. From the police suspect confiscated 46 plastic clips of methamphetamine with a net weight of 9.68 grams. He also admitted that he was only ordered by a dealer.

Finally, the suspect YE who was arrested on Tuesday, June 20, 2023, with evidence in the form of five plastic clips of crystal methamphetamine with a net weight of 12.45 grams obtained from a person named Junior.

The modus operandi used by the suspect was to store methamphetamine in the right hand and on the terrace of the suspect's boarding house. He himself was promised to be paid IDR 50,000 every time he attached methamphetamine.

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