
The Semarang Polrestabes have arrested 48 suspects in the crime of narcotics abuse for the past three months.

Head of the Semarang Police Narcotics Investigation Unit AKBP Edy Sulistyanto said the dozens of suspects were the result of the disclosure of 35 cases.

According to him, the suspects who were arrested from April to June 2023 had different roles, ranging from dealers to users.

"Of the 48 suspects, nine of them are recidivists," he said in Semarang, Central Java (Central Java), Tuesday, June 27, was confiscated by Antara.

The evidence that was secured from dozens of cases revealed included 99 grams of crystal methamphetamine, 611 grams of marijuana, and hundreds of pills of illegal drugs.

He said there were several prominent cases in the disclosure, such as drug users who are security guards of a luxury housing estate in Semarang.

In addition, he said, the purchase of marijuana is through social media.

For their actions, the suspects were charged with Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning drug abuse.

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