
Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs Mahfud MD revealed that there are at least three reasons why Aceh was chosen as the launch site for the non-judicial settlement of past gross human rights violations in Indonesia.

"First, the important and historic contribution of the people and Aceh Province to Indonesia's independence," said Mahfud when delivering a report in the 'Launching Program for the Implementation of Non-Judicial Settlement Recommendations for Serious Human Rights Violations in Pidie, Aceh, Tuesday, June 27, which was broadcast live on the official YouTube channel of the Presidential Secretariat.

Second, the state's respect for the 2004 tsunami humanitarian disaster in Aceh. And third, the government's high respect for the peace process that took place in Aceh.

"These three things have a strong humanitarian dimension, are relevant to the agenda for fulfilling the rights of victims, and moderate, and will continue to be carried out," he said, quoted by Antara.

The event was held at the scene of the 1998 '1999 Geudong Rumoh Incident, which Mahfud said would be renovated with the construction of a mosque at the request of the community and the families of the victims.

In addition, the location will later be equipped with Living Park which also contains historical traces that are maintained, including stairs and two wells, as reminders and lessons for the community.

"And there is also a warning monument built by the Aceh KKR, whose position will be shifted and adjusted to the placement in this area," said Mahfud.

Previously, Indonesian President Joko Widodo on January 11, 2023, stated that the Indonesian government acknowledged gross human rights violations in 12 events in the past.

The 12 incidents were 1965-1966 Incident, 1982-1985 Mysterious Shooting Incident, 1989 Talangsari Incident in Lampung, Geudong Rumoh Incident and Sattis Post in Aceh 1989, 1997-1998 Forced Disappearance Incident, and May 1998 Riot Incident.

Then Trisakti and Semanggi I-II 1998-1999 Incidents, 1998-1999 Shaman Murder Incident, 1999 Aceh KKA Intersection Incident, 2001-2002 Papua Wasior Incident, 2003 Papua Wamena Incident, and 2003 Aceh Keupok Jambo Incident.

President Jokowi, who was present at the Launch of the PPHAM Recommendation Implementation Program, emphasized that the injuries caused by past gross human rights violations must be restored immediately so that Indonesia can move forward.

"This is to restore the nation's injuries due to past gross human rights violations that leave a heavy burden on the victims and the families of the victims. Therefore, this wound must be restored immediately so that we are able to move forward," said Jokowi.

During the event, a symbolic handover of the restoration of the rights of victims of gross human rights violations was carried out to eight representatives.

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