
JAKARTA - The Panel of Judges at the Bengkulu Corruption Court sentenced 3 defendants to 1 year in prison in the case of corruption in the fuel oil budget (BBM) and routine maintenance of official vehicles at the Seluma Regency DPRD Secretariat in 2017.

The three defendants, respectively Husni Thamrin, were former Chairman of the Seluma DPRD, Ulil Umidi as former Deputy Chair I of the Seluma DPRD and Okti Fitriani as former Deputy Chair II of the Seluma DPRD.

"The three defendants were proven to have committed acts of corruption in the fuel budget and routine maintenance of official vehicles at the Seluma Regency DPRD Secretariat in 2017," said the Chief Justice of the Corruption Court at the Bengkulu District Court, Dwi Purwanti in a hearing reading the verdict in Bengkulu City, Monday, June 26, confiscated by Antara.

In addition to the prison sentence, the three defendants were also sentenced to pay a fine of Rp. 50 million each, subsidiary to five months in prison.

As for the replacement money charged to the defendants, respectively, Husni Thamrin amounted to Rp299 million, Ulil Umidi and Okti Fitriani were charged a replacement money of Rp120 million.

"For replacement money, it does not need to be paid because it has been deposited into the state treasury," said the panel of judges.

Meanwhile, for state financial losses that have recovered since the first volume of this case, according to expert information from the Bengkulu Province Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) amounting to Rp968 million, according to the results of the calculation of state financial losses by the Bengkulu Provincial Representative BPKP Number: SR-0246/PW06/5/2019 dated October 1, 2019.

The verdict handed down by the panel of judges was lighter than the demands of the public prosecutor, who in the previous trial demanded that the three defendants each be sentenced to one year and six months in prison and a fine of Rp. 50 million each, subsidiary to six months in prison.

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