
East Lombok District Attorney's Office investigators, West Nusa Tenggara, sniffed out the presence of Taufik Ramdhani who was on the wanted list (DPO) in the corruption case of the structuring and dredging project of the Labuhan Haji Pier, East Lombok Regency. "According to the information we got, the person concerned is in Bandung," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok Kejari Isa Ansyori in Mataram, Antara, Thursday, June 22. The Director of PT Guna Karya Nusantara, who is a partner implementing the 2016 budget year project, has been revealed to have joined one of the political parties and has an important position. "He said he was the administrator of the party's DPD there," he said. Isa said that the information had become the attention of the prosecutor's office. In fact, the team of prosecutors in the intelligence field is currently investigating the whereabouts of Taufik Ramdhani in Bandung. "So, this information has been forwarded to the NTB Prosecutor's Office and the Attorney General's Office. The search is ongoing," he said. By obtaining this information, Isa said that his party had not been able to follow up on the legal process of Taufik Ramdhani to the trial. "We are trying to find the person concerned first. If it is maximized, but there is no result yet, it means that he himself has deliberately lost his right to defend himself," said Isa. In this case, the prosecutor's office named two suspects. Apart from Taufik Ramdhani, the name Nugroho appeared who acted as the project commitment-making official (PPK). For the legal process of Nugroho, now he has received permanent legal force from the decision of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia. The prosecutor has carried out the execution of the detention of the decision by throwing Nugroho to the Class IIB Selong Prison, East Lombok Regency. The Supreme Court in Nugroho's cassation decision granted the public prosecutor's appeal and canceled the decision of the Corruption Court at the Mataram District Court number: 14/Pid.Sus-TPK/2022/PN Mtr, dated September 21, 2022. The cassation judge sentenced Nugroho to 3 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 million, subsidiary to 3 months in prison. The judge also ordered Bank BNI Main Branch Bandung as the underwriter for the project down payment in 2016 to disburse project down payment guarantees worth IDR 6.7 billion and hand it over to the regional treasury of East Lombok Regency. The down payment guarantee is in accordance with the disbursement of 20 percent of the project budget which is considered by the judge to be compensation for state losses. Regarding the replacement money, the prosecutor has carried out the execution by depositing it into the state treasury. The cassation judge sentenced Nugroho by stating that he was not proven guilty in the public prosecutor's primary indictment, but was proven in accordance with the subsidiary charges. The indictment relates to Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) of the 1st Criminal Code. The judge also determined that the detention period that had been served by the defendant was deducted entirely from the sentence imposed. The judge determined that the defendant should be detained. From the decision of the first instance court which declared Nugroho free from all prosecutors' demands, there was an order from the judge that all evidence be returned to the prosecutor to be used in the case of the suspect Taufik Ramdhani, who is now a fugitive from the prosecutor.
The judge in the decision believes that Taufik Ramdhani as Director of PT Guna Karya Nusantara is also responsible for the emergence of state losses in the project.

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