
TANGERANG - Tangerang City Police managed to uncover the case of the Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) based on reports from the victim's family. It is known, the perpetrators used the imin-iming mode of large salaries in Qatar.

The Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Tangerang Police, Kompol Arief, explained that the victim with the initials K admitted that he was lured to work in Qatar with a large salary in 2022 by the perpetrator with the initials S. The victim was tempted and made payments.

However, when he arrived in Qatar, he did not match his expectations. Victim K actually got a small salary and was held captive.

Victim K then wanted to return to Indonesia but was detained by an agent in Qatar. Because there is no cost of returning to Indonesia after working in Qatar.

She then complained to her husband with the initials A. Getting the complaint, A then reported it to the Tangerang City Police.

"So, the victim with the initials K, left with the services of the perpetrator with the initials S to Qatar in 2022, and was successfully allowed to return to Indonesia around February 2023 but accommodation was borne at his own expense," he told reporters, Wednesday, June 21.

From A's statement, the perpetrator promised to be responsible for returning his wife to Indonesia because the victim was sick. However, after waiting months later there was no follow-up from the perpetrator.

"So the victim had to bear the cost of accommodation for his own return. In fact, he was also detained at the agent office in Qatar while waiting for his return to Indonesia without being given the opportunity to communicate with his family. In addition, he was also promised to be given a salary of 1500 Real, but it turned out that after working at a salary of 1200 Real," he said.

The Tangerang City Police immediately conducted an investigation. As a result, the police were able to arrest the perpetrator at his home in the Kemuning Village area, Kresek District, Tangerang Regency.

"We managed to arrest the perpetrator, together with his colleague M in the Tigaraksa area. From the results of the interim examination, in the process, the perpetrators made a profit of 5 to 7 million per victim in their departure to abroad," he said.

The illegal business that has been carried out by the two perpetrators has been carried out since 2021, and they have dispatched many foreign workers targeting the Middle East Country.

"There are many victims, targeting Middle Eastern countries. So far, there are victims who are still abroad, namely Dubai. Meanwhile, there is one other victim who has received immigration acts with deportation," he said.

Meanwhile, the problems faced by the victims are varied. Starting from inappropriate wages, working time that exceeds the agreement or past working hours, communication restrictions, is not given the freedom to leave the workplace.

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