
A total of three gardenkeeper dogs belonging to Antoni Susilo, a resident of Palembayan Market, Nagari Ampek Koto Palembayan, Palembayan District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, were allegedly eaten by wild animals when they were tied to their gardens. "Three of my dogs were eaten by the animal on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week. Especially on Thursday, my dog was eaten, it was still a child who had just been brought from home," he said in Lubukbasung, quoted from Antara, Sunday, June 18. The dog was tied under his garden hut in Jorong Koto Tinggi, Nagari Ampek Koto Palembayan. At that location, he said, dog bloodstains and traces of wild animals were found. With this condition, he reported the incident to the Maninjau Resort, West Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA). "Three months ago, I also had a dog belonging to me being eaten by the wild animal and I didn't report it to the officer," he said. Meanwhile, the Head of the Maninjau Resort BKSDA West Sumatra, Rusdiyan P. Ritonga, said that the Maninjau Resort immediately dispatched a team to the location after receiving the report to seek information from livestock owners. After that, field verification is to look for signs of the presence of animals that prey on the residents' livestock in the form of clawing, footprints and dirt. "The team did not find any signs of the presence of animals at the location so it is not certain that the animals were preying on the residents' livestock," he said. Rusdiyan appealed to residents to continue to increase their vigilance, not to carry out activities in the fields too early in the morning or too late in the afternoon, to avoid active hours, wildlife should carry out activities in the garden between 09.00 WIB until 16.00 WIB. In addition, it is better to go to the garden not alone, make sounds when you just arrive in the garden, return from the garden, find livestock in the cage and others. "We have to be vigilant, because the location is not far from forest areas," he said.

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