
JAKARTA - The twins, Riana and Rihani, are said to have often made promises to return money to the Polda Metro Jaya so that cases of alleged fraud and embezzlement are not investigated. However, all of this is just a lie.

"As for the news, he (Rihana and Rihani) will go before investigators, they will come to Polda Metro Jaya for a long time, the suspects have conveyed it, but the results are not there," said Head of Sub-Directorate for Jatanras, Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya AKBP Indrawienny Panjiyoga to reporters, Friday, June 16.

The twins were also mentioned that they would also return all the money from the fraud. However, the fact has never happened until now.

In fact, Panjiyoga emphasized that if Riana and Rihani returned the victims' money, the investigation process would still be carried out.

"Yes, now if you really want to return the money, go ahead. But still, we will carry out the investigation process," he said.

The twins' whereabouts are not yet known. It is believed that they are hiding in a place in the country.

Thus, investigators took the initiative to submit a request for discontinuation to Immigration. The goal is so that they do not run away abroad.

"This is another process, we are in the process of deconstruction," said Panjiyoga.

Meanwhile, in an effort to find the whereabouts of Rinahan and Rihani, Polda Metro Jaya officially included their names in the wanted list (DPO).

With the DPO status, later the police in all parts of Indonesia will inform if they find out about the whereabouts of Riana and Rihani.

The twins, Riana and Rihani, went viral on social media. They are in the spotlight for being involved in iPhone fraud with a Pre-Order (PO) mode worth IDR 35 billion.

In fact, not long after, another report emerged. The two twins were policed on suspicion of embezzlement of rental cars in Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, on January 11, 2023.

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