
JAKARTA - Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian People's Wave Party (Gelora) Fahri Hamzah appreciated the decision issued by the Constitutional Court regarding the judicial review lawsuit against Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections, namely that the electoral system be returned from an open proportional to a closed proportional.

By rejecting this lawsuit, it means that the Constitutional Court will strengthen the passing electoral system in the reform era, which is an open proportional system. Where constituents choose political parties as well as existing legislative candidates.

"Finally, what the majority of political parties in Indonesia want the Constitutional Court to hear. Indeed, there are political parties that support the return of the electoral system from an open proportion to a closed one, but that is a priority. Many more refuse," he told VOI who contacted him on Thursday, June 15.

Before this decision is read out, politicians from various parties are already restless, there will be changes if the lawsuit is granted by the Constitutional Court. The explanation is that eight of the nine political party factions in the DPR RI have stated that they reject the closed proportional electoral system, namely the Golkar, Gerindra, Democrat, NasDem, PAN, PKB, PPP, and PKS factions.

Only one faction wants a closed proportional electoral system, namely the PDI Perjuangan.

A few weeks earlier, constitutional law expert Denny Indrayana had become a trending topic because he wrote a tweet about the alleged Constitutional Court's decision leaked about the election system lawsuit. In essence, of the nine Supreme Court judges, six judges agreed with the election lawsuit to return to a closed proportional and three judges said dissenting opinion.

It turned out that the presumption conveyed by the former Deputy Minister of Law and Human Rights during the SBY Prisden era was unbeaten. The Constitutional Court decided otherwise.

The Constitutional Court rejected the judicial review lawsuit of Law Number 7 of 2017. The lawsuit registered with number 114/PPU/XX/2022, sued a number of articles of the Election Law which rely on Article 168 paragraph (2) concerning the legislative election system proportional to the list of open candidates.

There were six people who formally registered as plaintiffs, namely: Demas Brian Wicaksono (PDI-P cadre), Yuwono Pintadi (Nasdem Party cadre), Fahrurrozi, Ibnu Rachman Jaya, Riyanto, and Nono Marijono. They want the electoral system that has been using an open proportional system to be closed proportional.

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