
JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) ordered the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Abdullah Azwar Anas to find solutions related to the number of prospective Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) who did not pass the test. "We made a scenario that was reported to the president. The president ordered us to review some possibilities whether it was a role or like others," said Azwar in the State Palace, Jakarta, Antara, Monday, June 12. Based on the results of the PPPK selection, last March 2023, said Azwar, many test participants did not pass. He gave an example for the graduation rate of PPPK, only 31 percent of lecturers. According to Azwar, the lack of participants who pass is likely due to the high “ passing grade ” or the threshold value proposed by the coaching agency or because many test participants do not master the technical competence according to the requirements. "Many “ Many do not pass even the PPPK graduation rate is a total of only 31 percent. This means that this is a matter of passing a grade proposed by a high coaching organization or technical competence that they cannot do,” he said. Azwar also gave an example for computer infrastructure, only three percent of the total 10 thousand registrants received PPPK candidates. Even though many of the test participants have served the government for 10-15 years. "This could be because, because of the question, or because of the human resources, while they have enshrined some who have been around for 15-10 years, this is a lot to suggest to us, a lot of affirmations," said Azwar. Previously, Azwar Anas asked the State Civil Service Agency (BKN) to make the latest simulations and studies related to graduation in the PPPK selection. This follows the large amount of input through social media as well as directly to the PAN-RB Ministry regarding the threshold value or passing grade set by each coaching agency. “ I have discussed the issue of passing grade with BKN. First, we are currently simulating several things regarding adjusting the passing grade, for the potential there are affirmations. Second, we will collect dozens of coaching agencies, so that in the future the needs of the coaching agency can still be answered with the results of existing recruitment. Because of course the PANRB Ministry must know the competency needs of the respective coaching agencies, ” said Azwar in May 2023. Azwar said that based on the reformulation and simulations that BKN will carry out, it is currently being finalized, it can be decided that there is potential affirmation for determining the PPPK selection threshold. " “ So various inputs related to passing grades are said to have caused a number of participants to be declared unsuccessful, we have discussed that. But of course the PANRB Ministry and BKN must also involve coaching agencies, because the coaching agency proposes a passing grade scheme according to their needs,” he said.

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