
The Mataram City DPRD urges the Mataram City Government to improve the security system in areas prone to vandalism or damage to public facilities.

Deputy Chairman of the Mataram City DPRD Abdul Rahman said increased supervision to maintain public facilities and city accessories and can be enjoyed by residents.

"Regarding the vandalism carried out by irresponsible persons, it should be the attention of relevant regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to find solutions to improve the security system," he said in Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Friday, June 9, as reported by Antara.

This was conveyed by Rahman following the destruction of public facilities belonging to the Mataram City Government in the form of flower pots around Gapura Tembolak Jalan Bypass South Lingkar on Saturday, June 3 in the morning.

According to Rahman, vandalism by destroying flower pots in the area has often occurred. He also encouraged mutual attention to find security solutions.

He gave examples, for example, by placing CCTV or security posts as well as other solutions that were considered effective, so as not to harm the government and society.

"The flower points were bought with public money. The price was around Rp600 thousand. Imagine if the amount damaged reached dozens or even dozens, how much people's money had been wasted," said Rahman.

The hope, he said, is that with these efforts the city government can maximize, maintain, and supervise these assets and the acts of vandalism by irresponsible persons will not happen again.

On the other hand, Rahman also suggested to the Mataram City Government to find the root of this problem. Whether this destruction is done intentionally or not.

"This must be followed up so that the perpetrators can be found and processed, so that similar cases do not happen again," he said.

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