
JAKARTA - The Head of the Penjaringan Police, M Probandono Bobby Danuari, said that the perpetrators of the extortion of truck drivers in the Penjaringan area, North Jakarta were natives of Kama Muara. And until now his party is still pursuing the main perpetrators.

"Indeed, the original child there (Kamal Muara), so he is on behalf of the regional son," said Bobby, Antara, Thursday, June 8.

Bobby said that the extortion of truck drivers in his area was a concern for the community. Moreover, the perpetrators are local residents who know the local area.

"They are targeting cars with plates outside B. So maybe BK (Medan) and so on F, D and so on," said Bobby.

One of the perpetrators was arrested earlier in Kamal Muara, with the initials HS (18), on Tuesday, June 6. Every time he took action, continued Bobby, the perpetrator was on behalf of the regional men's group. And until now his party is still pursuing other perpetrators.

Untuk mengejar F dan I, Polsek Metro Penjaringan sudah menerbitkan nama keduanya di dalam Daftar Pencarian Orang (DPO). Menurut pengakuan HS, rekan-rekannya itu sudah beraksi memeras driver kendaraan dari luar daerah hingga 10 kali dalam rentar dua pekan terakhir. urai Bobby.

In each of their actions, they asked for Rp. 300 thousand for the passer with a vehicle number plate from outside Jakarta so that the glass of the commercial vehicle was not damaged.

If in one extortion, truck drivers are forced to pay up to IDR 300 thousand, it is estimated that both of them in the last two weeks will be able to earn IDR 2 million to IDR 3 million per day.

Bobby said the youths rode with sharp weapons to scare drivers into handing over the money with the nominal requested.

"On average, drivers like open trucks or truck drivers are threatened with their targets," said Bobby.

After paying Rp. 300 thousand, the truck drivers were given their signed coupons with the addition of the words "Regional Prince" as a sign that the driver had been allowed to pass by local residents.

Padahal aksi tersebut tidak pernah diketahui oleh warga Kapuk Muara maupun Kamal Muara. Akhirnya aksi pemerasan tersebut diketahui personel Tim Siber Unit Reserse Kriminal Polsek Penjaringan setelah munculnya unggulan unggahan akun pengguna TikTok @Kobra_Kapuk terkait pemerasan pendriver yang terjadi di Jalan Taman Raya, Kapuk Muara, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara.

In the upload that went viral on June 6, a truck driver admitted that he had been forced to pay Rp. 300 thousand by a group of youths on behalf of the regional son when crossing the road.

Therefore, a team from the Mobile Investigation Unit (Resmob) of the Penjaringan Metro Police immediately investigated the incident.

"In less than 24 hours, precisely at 23.00 WIB, the personnel deployed can arrest the suspect HS on Kamal Muara Street," said Bobby.

Bobby said that his party imposed Article 368 of the Criminal Code for HS and his colleagues. The maximum penalty is nine years in prison.

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