
Dozens of families of victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy rejected the demolition of the Kanjuruhan Stadium in Malang Regency, East Java, after a heartbreaking event that caused 135 people to die on October 1, 2022. "We reject the demolition of the Kanjuruhan Stadium. A number of families of victims want this stadium to be used as monuments or museums," said Isatun Saadah (25), whose sister was missing with the name Wildan Ramadani (16) in the Kanjuruhan Tragedy, in Malang reported by ANTARA, Saturday, June 3, Isatun said, the legal process of the B model report related to the Kanjuruhan Tragedy at the Malang Resort Police has not been completed. The elderly of the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy with the initials NBR (16) and NDA (13), Devi Athok, in November 2022, had made a report to the Malang Police regarding the alleged murder.The handling of the report, Isatun said, should include the reconstruction process at the Kanjuruhan Stadium. If the Kanjuruhan Stadium was demolished, he continued, then the reconstruction process to give justice to the families of the victims could not be carried out. "Reconstruction must be carried out at the scene," said the resident of Pagelaran District in Malang Regency. The parents of the victims of the Kanjuruhan Tragedy named Agus Riansyah (20), Rini Hanifah, also conveyed the same thing.

Sidang perkara Tragedi Kanjuruhandilaksanakan di Pengadilan Negeri Surabaya, Jawa Timur.Pengadilan telah menjatuhkan vonis terhadap para terdakwa dalam perkara tersebut pada Maret 2023.Mantan Danki 3 Brimob Polda Jatim Hasdarmawan divonis penjara satu tahun enam bulan, sedangkan mantan Kasat Samapta AKP Bambang Sidik Achmadi dan mantan Kabag Ops Polres Malang Kompol Wahyu Setyo Pranoto divonis bebas.Selain itu, Abdul Haris yang merupakan Ketua Panpel Arema FC divonis hukuman penjara selama satu tahun enam bulan dan Suko Sutrisno selaku petugas keamanandivonis satu tahun penjara.

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