
JAKARTA - Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Sakti Wahyu Trenggono said, the issuance of Government Regulation number 26 of 2023 concerning Management of sedimentation Results in the Sea emphasizes the legal basis for utilizing sedimentation results, especially sea sand by prioritizing ecological sustainability and the interests of the state.

Trenggono said that so far the need for domestic reclamation has been large, but unfortunately the use of marine sand is still damaging to the environment because the sand taken comes from the islands.

"Against PP 26, I say that the need for reclamation is very large in Indonesia. If this is silenced and not regulated, then it could be that the islands are taken, so reclamation and result in environmental damage. On that basis PP is issued, it is permissible to reclamation, but must use sedimentation sand," Trenggono said as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 31.

The sedimentation sand is considered suitable for reclamation needs, including supporting the development of IKN and infrastructure by prioritizing domestic or domestic market obligation (DMO) needs.

"We have determined the government regulations, the aim is to fulfill domestic reclamation, that there are remaining to be taken abroad, please if the study team says that this sedimentation can be (export), please," he explained.

Although the use of sea sand based on PP Number 26 of 2023 which was officially enacted on May 15, 2023 is allowed, utilization can be carried out through the approval of the study team. This team consists of cross k/l involving the Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Transportation, Center for Hydro-Oceanography, academics, to non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

This study team will determine the location where the sedimentation sand can be utilized, including the amount of sedimentation sand that can be dredged.

Although this government regulation has been enacted, Trenggono said that there are no technical rules or details on the use of marine sedimentation.

"But later the technical regulations will be stated in technical regulations called Ministerial Regulation (Permen) which is currently being prepared, not at all," he explained.

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