
YOGYAKARTA - The government has again allowed sea sand dredging and exported. Since 2003, or for 20 years this application has been banned by the government. So what are the advantages of sea sand exports?

Ada pula, kebijakan ekspor sand laut tertuang dalam Peraturan Pemerintah(PP) No 26 Tahun 2023 tentang Pengelolaan Hasil Sedimentasi di Laut yang baru dibit 15 Mei 2023 lalu. Export sand tepatnya diatur di Bab IV, pasal 9 no 2 huruf d, tentang pemanfaatan hasil sedimentasi di laut berbedatan laut. Izin ekspor sand laut ini dikeluarkan setelah 20 tahun dilarang.

In detail, in article 9 no. 2 letter d concerning sand exports, it reads: "Exports as long as the needs in the country are met and are suitable for the provisions of the legislation," the regulation reads.

In this provision, sea sand exports are mandatory based on a business license from the Department of Trade which takes care of exports.

"Utilization of sedimentation results at sea for export as referred to in Article 9 paragraph (2) letter d is required to obtain licensing to seek to support business activities in the export sector of the minister who organizes government affairs in the trade sector," writes article 15 number 4.

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan guarantees that the implementation of sea sand exports will not disturb the environment. He said that dredging of sea sand would only be done for shallow underwater points and had a pile of sand sedimentation.

He said, there is GPS technology to ascertain which points the sand will dredge. For him, this will ensure that sea sand export applications are really tried without damaging the environment.

"No (to damage the environment), please, all now because there is GPS, we make sure we don't (to damage the environment) of the work," said Luhut when met at the Mulia Hotel, Senayan Area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (30/5/2023).

Luhut also said that the opening of sea sand exports had been lucky for Indonesia. For him, so far there are still a lot of underwater points in Indonesia that are very shallow because they have a pile of sand sedimentation.

Until then, some points in the sea need to deepen the flow by the sand dredging method. In the end, Luhut emphasized that this was done to protect the health of the ecosystem in the sea.

"We are deepening the flow of the sea, because if not, our flow will be shallower. So for marine health too," said Luhut.

Furthermore, Luhut emphasized that there will also be economic benefits that Indonesia will get from the sea sand export application. However, he did not explain how much.

"Now if it has to be exported, it will definitely be far from beneficial for SOEs, the government," said Luhut.

So after knowing the benefits of sea sand exports, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!

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